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Thread: Muscle ups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Muscle ups

    Sunday is my day of going into the gym and doing interval training,stomach,push up holds or that stuff like my fun day in the gym. I like to do Muscle ups i don't swing to much and try keep my legs straight should i rather train muscle ups on one of the days i train a muscle group or u think its just a waste and should keep it for my fun day!

    currently training:
    mon biceps and shoulders
    tues calves tues nite:ukm (cardio)
    wed tri's and chest
    thurs day off
    fri: back
    sat: quads,hams,glutes
    sun: fun day! then: ukm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Kansas City Ks
    muscle ups are a great exercise that employ so many muscle groups that it really doesnt fit into any category when your workouts isolate a specific group. I do crossfit training a couple days a week which occasionally includes doing muscle ups. I completely suck and probably look like an idiot while doing them. There are far more knowledgeable members than me to give advice, but I've recently tried to make exercises that employ multiple groups (like muscle ups, power cleans, etc) a bigger part of my workouts. I guess it depends on what your goals are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thanks man! its actually the wrong question i asked as i been thinking i don't even know what goal i have atm!

    I think number one thing i need to sort out is what Samatotype i am and work my training around there!

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