Thread: New Cycle - New Routine
03-01-2012, 01:47 AM #1Junior Member
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New Cycle - New Routine
Just started my cycle of test e/deca last week and have changed things up a bit...let me know what you guys think. Keep in mind this changes from week to week sometimes but fundamentals are the same.
Day 1 - Chest (13sets)
Flat Barbbell Bench 4sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench 3sets
Low Pulley Cable Crossovers 3sets
Pec Dec or Cable Flys 3sets
Day 2 - Back (14sets)
Deadlifts (4sets)
Bent Over Row (2x overhand, 2x underhand) (4sets)
One Arm Cable Row (3sets)
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (3sets)
***Sometimes I burn out with pullups.
Day 3 - Shoulders (13sets)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press or Military Press (4sets)
Lateral Dumbbell or Cable Front Front Raises (3sets)
Lateral Dumbbell or Cable Side Raises (3sets)
Bent Over Dumbbell or Cable Lateral Raises (3sets)
Day 4 - Arms (9sets biceps, 9sets triceps)
Barbell Curls (3sets)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls (3sets)
Reverse Barbell Curls (3sets)
Skull Crushers (3sets)
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3sets)
One Arms Palm Up Cable Triceps Extension (3sets)
Day 5 - Legs (16sets)
Squats (4sets)
Leg Extensions (3sets)
Leg Curls (3sets)
Straight Leg Deadlifts (3sets)
Leg Press or Lunges (3sets)
I throw in abs twice a week depending on when I feel is a good time. Please let me know what you guys think, its similar to the way I've always trained and am really looking on hitting things even harder with this new cycle. I'd love to hear some constructive feedback. Thanks!
03-01-2012, 01:30 PM #2Junior Member
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03-01-2012, 08:27 PM #3
I've recently dropped flat bench and do declines instead I'm loving that at the moment can really feel the pump. But looks good to me
03-01-2012, 10:06 PM #4
I really like it... It looks very similar to what I do on sets and exercises, but of course vary it up. I do more compound exercises than you have listed. i.e. upright rows, close grip for tris, etc... nothing too much. I only do cables as a single burnout on some days. I think it's a great base line though. I break it down differently because on your list you hit your tris on shoulder day and then the next day you hit them again on arms. It is not a deal breaker, but how about this?
Nothing is hit it back to back on the next day. this also is depending on how you structure your days off. I do suggest putting a day off in the middle somewhere on either one. It is not a deal breaker, but just some info to kick around. In essense i run it the same but have a 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off, and the repeat continuously until I give body a rest.
Good luck on cycle. Hit the weights and food hard and you will get results.
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