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Thread: am i doin this wrong....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!

    Question am i doin this wrong....

    depending on what muscle group i am hitting i will do anywhere from 3 to 5 exercices with 5 - 15 reps ea. doing one set of one exercise then one set of another etc. then repeat.

    i have heard that a lot of people complete all sets of a particular exercise before moving on to the next one.

    is this just another option or have i been doing things incorrectly all these years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I always complete every set of a particular exercise before moving to the next exercise. It sounds like you are circuit training each muscle group sp33. As to whether or not it's wrong...are you getting results? If so, don't change, if not change it upp and see what happens.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!
    Originally posted by Pete235
    I always complete every set of a particular exercise before moving to the next exercise. It sounds like you are circuit training each muscle group sp33. As to whether or not it's wrong...are you getting results? If so, don't change, if not change it upp and see what happens.

    good point pete. i am getting results but nothing show stopping

    changing up exercises seems to work for me so i think i'm gonna give this a try and see.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Circuit Training

    Circuit training may aid you in burning off a little extra body fat but you will do good to fininsh each excersice first before moving on to the next. (Assuming that you are pushing for bulk here) The reason being is that you need to work each muscle to the point of exhaustion for that particular lift and angle before moving on to somthing new. I have known people how in the past that have trainined like this and few ever made any quality gains. Now you can tone up siginificantly but for size and strentgh I would stick to what I mentioned above.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    You are basically super-setting this is effective training and if it works for you then thats good but i personally wouldnt recommend it for every bodypart you train!

    It a great way to get a lot of blood into the muscle, and is a very efficient way of training and great to work two major muscle groups or oposing muscles together!

    However i wouldnt train like this all the time! I tend to sometimes throw a superset in for Biceps and triceps or back and chest just to make a change but for actually building a good strength base its not so good!

    Mentally, energy could let you down and also you are fatiging in the body parts you really want to build on!

    You havnt been training wrong for years if this works for you but IMO why dont you have a go at training each body part for the full 3 sets each before going on to another! eg train back for 4 exercises 3 sets each and then finish back their and go onto Biceps and consentrate on them! this way you can mentally focus on the muscle group you are training with less rest between the body part you are working you should find you build very well!


    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I've been using supersets for bout 12 years. My high school football coach started me on it. Then I read Arnolds Bible and he recomends it. It works great for me. I put a random superset in every routine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!
    update: well i've been completing all my exercises before moving on to the next and I think its workin so far. i seem to be getting stronger and bigger faster. thx everyone for your help.


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