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Thread: would working one muscle 3 days a week be 2much?

  1. #1

    would working one muscle 3 days a week be 2much?

    Hey guys im starting my first cycle next week. Would working the same muscle group 3time a week be 2much? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I think you will definitely be inviting an injury with that type of routine. If you are going to cycle and want to get the maximum benefit than three times a week is not the way to go. One body-part a week, heavy weight, low rep, low volume all the way. The four day split works the best and if your antsy than do some cardio on your off days. Its hard to accept that you grow while you rest but its true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    The most I have ever done in the 30 years of lifting is twice a week... I read where Ronnie use to do arm and only arms alone only once a week. whether or not you know it or think you are only working " A " group you are working it more often than you think. IE Biceps when you're doing back and triceps when doing chest. Hence compound exercises vs a strict curl.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    yes, spread it out a bit. remember its when you rest that you grow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I thought the gear helps fast recovery allowing more workouts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    You can handle more volume (sets and reps), weight and maybe a higher intensity while on a cycle but you still have to rest to get the benefits of your added work. If you really want to work a bodypart twice a week try a heavy and a lighter workout. That way you'll get the blood flowing without beating yourself up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    2 times per body part is plenty/. Hitem hard and intense. Remember rest is growth. Even with aas 3 is too much if ur intense and goin to failure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I disagree with most people here. It depends all upon how intense the workout it and how man set/reps it is. I know Broz gym members max out squat every single day. pat Mendez does it 2x a day every day ha. At the moment I'm hitting every body part 3 times a week. However, i only pick 1 exercise for each muscle group each time. I do full body then the next day conditioning work. For my full body routine I do an explosive movement (clean and jerk, snatch, etc.), then a leg movement (squat, front squat, etc.), then a push movement (shoulder press, bench press, etc), then a pull movement (pull ups, rows, etc) and sometimes i do some biceps or triceps. It works very well for me. I love it so far. Plus I'm not on juice, so all the more reason for you to be able to handle it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by smileyp.t View Post
    Hey guys im starting my first cycle next week. Would working the same muscle group 3time a week be 2much? Thanks
    I only rec EOD or 3-4X a week. and thats WORKOUTS i only hit the same body part ONE tiem a week. 2 at MAX and thats rare.
    if you want ot grow muscle its in the recovery and growth NOT working otu every day, that will do less.

    google DC training. I do somethign liek ti but longer and more reps.
    but DEFF dont hit same part 3 days a week i mean how often are you working out?

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