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Thread: Forearm splints!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Question Forearm splints!?

    When curling anything other than free weights i.e. flat bar bicep curl or bicep curl machine (unless it has a pretty angled thumbs in grip) I get terrible pain in my forearms.. i've tried wrapping, gloves, watching my form... but nothing seems to fix it... I'm not doing a lot of weight but going lighter does help... but how do I help my biceps strengthen if me forearms cant handle it? any ideas?... I've been using a rope attached to a weight wrapped around a stick and rolling it up with my wrists (think motorcycle throttle), simple squeezing workouts with my hands and wrists but it just doesn't seem to help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ive had similar pains in the past,i bought a devi?e called a power ball, u can get them on few sites on the net or stores like argos, that worked for me strengthen my forearms alot. Dont get the pains anymore look it up ,could work for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    right on man thanks. looks cool. haha I might have to try one of those out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    All over
    This pain is not from your forearms lacking in strength to your biceps but it is from the tendon that runs down your arm not being able to handle the weight you are curling, I had them for a long time and something that helped me out was band-it wraps. I dont I would also rub horse liniment on my arms which is to relieve pain and stiffness in muscles/tendons. My forearms splints got so bad that i dreaded curling because it hurt so bad and when i would put the bar down it was extremely difficult to let go of the bar due to it hurting so badly. Both of these things helped me tremendously and I suggest that you try them out.

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