I am thinking of adding GVT concept to my current routine. I haven't tried GVT in a few yrs so I want to give it another go. I don't want to change my split per. say, just add GVT into it. This is my idea.
Mon Upper Horizontal push/pull
A1)flat/decline barbell or dumbbel press 3x3-5
A2) barbell rows 3x-3-5
incline dumbbell or hammer press 10x10
face pulls 3x8-12
Wed: legs
Squats 3x3-5
A1) Squat or leg press 10x10
A2) leg curls 10x10
Romanian deads 3x8-12
calf raises 3x10-20
Fri: Upper/ vertical
OHP 3x3-5
A1) Pullups 10x10
A2) Dips 10x10
B1) prone I,Y,T 3x15-20
B2) bicep movement 3x8-12