Hey i found this routine (S.A.I.S mass building) that is supposed to help with gaining mass. i am currently on reg parks beginners 5x5 for about 5 weeks now, and it's not terrible, but it's not great. I feel like i want to isolate a lot more, but still want to continue to gain mass. i am working on the diet as well, but this topic is strickly routine questions. what do you this of this routine for a beginner. please consider that i have some training experience but not to much - and before before i was told to try the 5x5 i was just working out 5-6 days a week (ok even 7 days at times...) for between 1-3 hours per day working one major group per visit. usually a rotation of upper body & lower body day by day.
Monday: Chest, biceps
Bench press (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Incline press (free weights, barbell) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Vertical bench press (machine) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Barbell curls (shoulder wide grip) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Dumbbell curls (seated) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
EZ-barbell curls (narrow grip) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Tuesday: Legs
Squats (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Leg press (machine) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Hack squats (machine) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch muscle fibers)
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Shoulders, triceps
Behind the neck press (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Standing upright rows (free weights, EZ-barbell) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Front overhead press (machine) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Lying triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Overhead triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Triceps pushdown (machine, cable) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Friday: Back, calves
Front latpulldown (machine, shoulder wide grip) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Seated cable rows (machine, narrow grip) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Dumbbell rows (one arm at a time) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Standing calf raises (machine) 3 sets 6 reps (fast-twitch white muscle fibers)
Seated calf raises (machine) 2 sets 10 reps (intermediate muscle fibers)
Bend-over calf raises (machine) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
if this routine is sh!t, please tell me why and where i can look for something better... my goal is to gain mass (clean or dirty for now) and strength. i like the pump i used to get before i started this 5x5, and now i barely know i hit the gym... not shrinking tho, so thats good...
thanks for the help in advance...![]()