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Thread: I need a new work out

  1. #1

    I need a new work out

    180 lbs 5"11 14% bf 2 years lifting experience

    I have been doing "rippetoes 3x5" program for the last 6 months. It consists of squats, deadlifts, benchpress, overhead shoulder press, dips, pullups, bent overbarbell rows. Although I have gained about 30 lbs and gotten amazing results off of this exercise I feel it is time I start a new one. I mean everyone throws "muscle confusion" in my face and calls me a fool for doing the same regiment for so long. I will admit I am growing a little tired of it.

    What I loved most about this workout is that it was very structured, intense, and short. I could be in and out of the gym in 30-40 minutes and have really gotten a good workout. Right now I am about 180 lbs and 5"11.. my goal is to maintain my size but shred some body fat % and most of all increase my strength. I got my original workout recommended for me from this site and it did my wonders so 6 months later I am back and ready for a new one.. what do you guys recommend?
    Last edited by BozzBanks; 04-16-2012 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    As for your goal of maintaining your size and increasing your strength while you shred BF, here is what I would suggest:

    1. Whatever your next training regimen may be, it should involve compound movements where you go heavy in some sets so that you maintain size and strength. This means you will have to indulge yourself with squats, dead lifts, bench press and barbell rows. It seems like it is about time that you bring in isolation exercises into the picture and perform them along with the compound exercises mentioned above.

    2. Cardio and diet are major determinants when it comes to BF%. Can you do a low to moderate intensity cardio on a treadmill for about 45 mins. 5-6 times a week? If so, combined with the right diet, you will shred BF without a doubt.

    I am also a big fan of going through phases of workout regimens that resemble the power lifting style in certain ways. I have just finished my 8 weeks of 5x5 training regimen where I did 5 sets and reps of each compound exercise for the day and brought in several isolation exercises into the training sessions. This way, I still feel the pump, which satisfies me more on a psychological level.

  3. #3
    To sum it up you are basically suggesting that I stick with the same routine as before but throw in isolation exercises and cardio along with it? I don't consider myself experienced enough to construct my own workout routine. I would rather have one laid out before me in black and white by a professional than try to makeshift my own personal routine.
    Do you have any particular workouts that might fit my goals that you can suggest?

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