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Thread: Doing a 5x5 routine

  1. #1

    Doing a 5x5 routine

    So I read a previous post about Dorian Yates inspired routine. If I took my current routine and did 5x5 how well would that work ? 3 exercises per muscle group, one muscle group per day, ie. chest Monday bi's Tuesday tris wendsday etc....

  2. #2
    or should I just do what every one else does and do the Monday wendsday Friday thing all compound exercises...seems kinda boring

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by devestating
    or should I just do what every one else does and do the Monday wendsday Friday thing all compound exercises...seems kinda boring
    What are you going for? Strength, size, endurance, ripped? What? I like Jim wendlers 5-3-1.. Just pick a program (there are a lot of good programs out there) and stick to it for a good 4-6 months and you will get great results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Ive been doing reg parks beginners 5x5 and it is pretty boring, I must admit. But Turkish juiced recommended me to incorporate the 5x5 like u said, and follow the major compound exercises with isolated exercises. I will be changing the routine to accommodate these recommendations as soon as I can make a good plan. If you find /create a routine like this, please post it so I can have a look as well, please and thank you

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    What are you going for? Strength, size, endurance, ripped? What? I like Jim wendlers 5-3-1.. Just pick a program (there are a lot of good programs out there) and stick to it for a good 4-6 months and you will get great results
    I'm going mainly for size, 6 month bulk then a different plan like 3x12 for cutting for 6 months

    Here's a link I found that has a 5x5 workout:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by devestating

    I'm going mainly for size, 6 month bulk then a different plan like 3x12 for cutting for 6 months

    Here's a link I found that has a 5x5 workout:
    Nice link brother! Thanks for the info. Looks like a good routine

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