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Thread: On cycle... trainning arms only?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    On cycle... trainning arms only?

    Hey guys...

    I'm 6'1, 25 years old... been trainning over 3 years naturally and this is my third cycle. I have a personal trainner who's and ex body builder and we planned this cycle months ago I only started it yesterday. Taking dbol, deca and test, armidex for the ai.

    Been trainning each body part once a week since I started tranning but I wanted to increase the size of my arms and calfs MORE* than my other body parts since I have long limbs. Every muscle group has got much bigger since I started but my arms and claves have grown the least so I now look more out of proportion....

    My trainner told me I have been over trainning my arms and calves for 3 years and they have grown the least... I know if you train the full body with the right amount of rest your arms will grow at maximum speed.

    We are doing a very heavy cycle and a clean high cal high protein diet just to add some major mass to my arms and claves to get them in proportion....

    So my question is... my trainner suggested we train 3 days a week.... 1 full session hammering the hell out of triceps, 1 full session hammering the hell out of biceps and forearms and the last day working calves into the floor. With the amount of gear im taking I think all my other muscles will grow without tranning them but hoping this won't happen. I would have though 1 session doing biceps, triceps and forearms twice per week would be better and 1 day for calves...

    What do you guys think?

    Thanks, Syler

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    My question is that all you are doing for the week is tri's, bi's and calves? Nothing else? Well I'll jump ahead and assume so and give ya my thoughts...I would stick to his plan. Sometimes more isn't better. If the original plan was to beat the hell out of your bi's one day, then your tri's the next and finally your calves, if you add more to that you again will be over training your arms. Think of it this way...when you did your chest and shoulders you also hit your tri's, your back you hit your bi's and then assuming you did a separate arm day, you had hit your bi's and tri's twice in one week and you were not satisfied with the results right? So why hit your bi's and tri's twice in one week again? Less is usually always more when it comes to training. I would really recommend hitting your bi's and tri's only once in a week. You will grow and especially since it's a different kind of stimulus, you will respond. I know what you mean when it comes to long 6'4 with long arms...but I have filled them out by changing up my workouts every 6-8 weeks by adding or taking away my arm training. The training cycle I just ended I had responded very well to and I was hitting a body part once every 2 weeks. Sometimes you gotta go with what you think wont work, as I didn't think 6 days every other day and hitting, lets say chest on a monday then not hitting it again until saturday the following week, would produce any results, but I was way wrong! Hit each of your arms just once a week and you will see results, im positive of that!

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