I have a total of like 220 pounds of weights. My 1rm is 210 on the bench ATM. Now I have a couple big plates but some of my plates are smaller. On my Barbell I can only fit a total of 205 pounds because the little plates take up the whole barbell lol.
The thing is that I can rep 200 twice so I'm guessing my 1rm is around 210 atm.
I'm spending money on tons of bills and other crap so I will have to wait like 2 weeks until I can go buy some bigger plates and take those small ass ones off so I have more room on my barbell.
But I just thought of something, I have strap on weights, you know the ones that you can strap around your arms or legs.
I never use them but they each weigh 10 pounds.
So lol Do you think in the meantime I can strap those onto my barbell to get 210 pounds? LOL
I have to keep adding like 5 pounds every week to get stronger on my bench and i have but since I have to wait in the mean time I was thinking if strapping one of the 10 pound straps on my barbell would work. Oh I forgot you can take some of the weight off so I can add 5 pounds to each side of the barbel if I strap it on each side.
So my 1rm is around 210 so I was thinking to adust the straps to 5 pounds each and put it on my barbell which already has 200 pounds on it to make it 210?
Your thoughts on this idea lol?