High rep leg movements for moderate size?
hello, ex strength athlete.
with squatting 3-4 times a week i use to have massive legs, now that i have gone more into a body re comp approach i don't wanna eat 5-6k calories a day to recover from heavy squats.
that being said...
for the first time in like 7 years i fit into a pair of jeans, nice jeans i like this, the girls like this... win win but i want some of the quad bulge back... so my body re comp looks good, and as i shed the last fat off, the leg weight will help me stay at around my target weight for the time being.
so would doing 12-15, or 15-18, 18-20 rep schemes only for my legs doing leg extensions and curls only help achieve nice looking legs with definition? and i can still fit in a pair of nice jeans?
lost and confused
please dont make me have to sign up to bbdotcom
06-17-2012, 03:58 PM #3
All I know is 12 to 15 is the best for me. I think it's going to depend on you really. You may just need to try them out but all I was really trying to achieve was size as well. You probably want higher reps
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