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Thread: question about changing workout each week?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    question about changing workout each week?

    I know every one has different lifting workouts, but im sick of doin the same thing week after week, so i decided to change my woork out, i will have a week a and a week b , both workouts hit the same muscle , but just in a different form, example week a i do barbell incline press, week b i do dumbell incline press. Ok now for my question, when i change it up like this will strength not go up for both, like if i do barbell one week then dumbells next week, will my strength remain the same or will it increase still, i know i cant keep goin up forever , i will eventually hit a wall , but i dont want my strength to remain the same through out the weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    you mentioned that you wish for your strength to go up.... so you are more into powerlifting?

    if you wish to keep getting stronger, you have to rest about 2-3 minutes in between sets to concentrate on doing maximal lifts (i didn't say maxes) on every excersize to increase the strength in your tendons at the same time

    i personally have gotten better strength gains off of barbells rather than dumbells but switch to one or the other when im feeling like im hitting a wall

    all i can tell you to do is try your routine out for a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on how patient you are, and see if your strength is going up .... if you aren't seeing your desired strength goals, go to something else

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I've been doing a similiar workout where I have alternating weeks. I've seen good results, yes you're strength should still increase, but it's up to you, on how you train, eat, and sleep. WOD is right, if strength is your prime concern you need longer rest periods in between sets, if size is your prime concern then shorter rest periods are needed.

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