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Thread: Bodybuilding Routine, pretty lost.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Bodybuilding Routine, pretty lost.

    I hate to be the "pls do my homework for me" guy, but I am looking somewhere to start with a bodybuilding routine.

    I have been doing a 4 day routine working each muscle twice a week that has not gotten me much results, been using it for 3 years and i remember in my first year i got great gains from it, but it really just stopped after that...

    Im litterally looking for a all encompassing body building routine, focusing on muscular size and proportion over everything.

    26 yrs old
    189 lbs
    18% BF

    Bench Press 3x5
    Incline Press 4x8
    Dips 3x10
    Standing Military Press 3x8

    Squats 3x5
    Leg curls 3x10
    Bent Over Rows 4x6
    EZ Bar Curls 3x8


    Incline Bench 3x5
    Flat Bench 4x8
    Skull Crushers 3x10
    DB Shoulder Press and Latteral Raises 3x10

    Deadlifts 3x5
    Leg Press 2x10
    Pull ups 4x6
    Straght Bar Curls 3x8

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    try training each muscle group once/week.
    i was doing 2-3/week, got good gains in the beginning, then nothing, doing once/week atm, and gaining strength and size again.
    also i make sure that i train hard, so that my muscles are sore for a few days, then after a week, there fully recovered. repeat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Once per week is lots of wasted time imo and experience! No Way a muscle needs a week to recover, the cns is whats the limiting factor.
    I'd do 4-5wholy Body workouts or an alternating 2day Split trained 6times a week, which is more than benefitial if you dont stess cns too much by going to failure all the time and doing ridiculous amounts of sets and reps that give you nothing but soreness, which obviously is not a Great indicator for hypertrophy!

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