I'm currently on a whole body workout routine with 3 workouts per week focusing on compound moves to target the entire body every workout and 2 cardio only days.
I'm am looking at changing my routine soon (once my bf% is a little lower) and trying to gain some mass. My planned routine is:
Day 1
20* Incline DB Press
45* Incline BB Press
Flat Bench Press
Cable Crossover
Day 2
BB Row
DB Row
Decline DB Pullover
Day 3
Military Press
DB Side Raise
DB Front Raise
Reverse Cable Crossover
BB Shrugs
Day 4
Romanian Deadlift
Prone Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Day 5
BB Curls
Skull Crushers
Incline DB Curls
Close Grip Bench Press
Hammer Curls
Any feedback would be appreciated.