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Thread: New workout routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    New workout routine

    I'm currently on a whole body workout routine with 3 workouts per week focusing on compound moves to target the entire body every workout and 2 cardio only days.
    I'm am looking at changing my routine soon (once my bf% is a little lower) and trying to gain some mass. My planned routine is:

    Day 1
    20* Incline DB Press
    45* Incline BB Press
    Flat Bench Press
    Cable Crossover
    Day 2
    BB Row
    DB Row
    Decline DB Pullover
    Day 3
    Military Press
    DB Side Raise
    DB Front Raise
    Reverse Cable Crossover
    BB Shrugs
    Day 4
    Romanian Deadlift
    Prone Leg Curls
    Calf Raises
    Day 5
    BB Curls
    Skull Crushers
    Incline DB Curls
    Close Grip Bench Press
    Hammer Curls

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Bump for some feedback.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    1) format this a bit better so its easier to understand
    2) add in sets/reps for each exercise
    3) post your stats, age,height,weight,bf%,years training
    4) can you be more specific on cardio? What exactly do you do for cardio?

    once you add all that I can help you out more and so can the other members on here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Age 27
    Height 6'
    Weight 180lbs
    bf% about 12-15 but trying to get down to about 10% before starting this program
    I've been training for about 4 1/2 years

    Day 1 (Chest)
    20 degree Incline DB Press
    45 degree Incline BB Press
    Flat Bench Press
    Cable Crossover

    Day 2 (Back)
    BB Row
    DB Row
    Decline DB Pullover

    Day 3 (Shoulders)
    Military Press
    DB Side Raise
    DB Front Raise
    Reverse Cable Crossover
    BB Shrugs

    Day 4 (Legs)
    Romanian Deadlift
    Prone Leg Curls
    Calf Raises

    Day 5 (Arms)
    BB Curls
    Skull Crushers
    Incline DB Curls
    Close Grip Bench Press
    Hammer Curls

    I'll be using a rep range of 8-12 and 3-4 sets per exercise

    I usually keep my cardio at about 30 mins and stick to high intesity intervals, as I find this to be the best way to keep myself motivated to do cardio.

    I hope this is formatted clearer and answers all the questions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    ya your definitely in a tricky spot with those stats I would say. at 6 ft 180 lbs and 12-15% bf I would have a hard time figuring if you should try bulk or cut down bf%. If you are in fact 12% I would personally try to bulk by lowering the volume on the exercises you are currently performing. What do the weights that you lift look like?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I'm trying to cut right now. Looking to use this to bulk in the fall/winter. My current weights are not where I wish they were, but my diet was really bad and I was stuck in a rut that I just couldn't seem to break out of. My lifts are about:

    Deadlift 275x5
    Squat 235x5
    Bench 180x5
    Last edited by lestat85; 07-15-2012 at 10:28 PM.

  7. #7
    You're doing 3 pressing movements back to back. The first two movements, you're actually doing the EXACT same thing, just one with dumbbells, one with a barbell. I'd do at max, 1 or 2 pressing movement, and a squeezing movement like flys. Imo, either do Incline, or Bench, don't do both. Certainly don't do incline twice, and then bench after that. You're begging for shoulder problems later on (I know, I used to do that, and have them). I'm 26.

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