any new tricks to increase the bench press these days? Any tips are appreciated.
any new tricks to increase the bench press these days? Any tips are appreciated.
Probably get more and better advice posting this in the Powerlifting forum.
Holy mother of christ your avatar pic is absolutely incredible..... I will never leave this page again >.>
Add close grip bench presses to ur workout to add strength to ur triceps, it'll consequently add strength to ur bench press!
Try also to bench press negative by slowly lowering the weight back to ur chest - I would also recommend not to train ur triceps before ur workout or even the day before ur chest workout , keep it fresh!
If that won't work, take a week off! U might need some rest!
Train triceps HARD and HEAVY at least 3 days off from chest. IE if you train chest monday do tris around thursday/friday.
Strengthen your shoulders and triceps, learn proper bench press form to be able to extract the most on your lift, and last but certainly not least, EAT!
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