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Thread: Am I overtraining???

  1. #1

    Am I overtraining???

    Hi folks,

    I'm currently on a bulking cycle of sustanon 250-250mg E4D and trenbolone acetate- 65mg EOD. My whole day is pretty much rest, and I'm getting 10-12 hours of sleep every night.

    My macros look something like this
    Fat- 65/80 grams per day
    Carbs- 250/280 grams per day
    Protein- 200/250 grams per day

    My training schedule

    Monday- biceps
    Tuesday- chest and tris
    Wednesday- legs
    Thursday- back
    Friday- shoulders and tris
    Saturday- legs

    Am I Training too much??

  2. #2
    Why tri's twice a week? Also whats you height and weight. The macros could be great or terrible depends on you stats

  3. #3
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamer View Post
    Why tri's twice a week? Also whats you height and weight. The macros could be great or terrible depends on you stats
    pretty much this, also why not just have an arms day?

    I would also recommend a day off in the middle of the week

  4. #4
    My height is 5'9 and weight is 180... I do tris twice because I only do light training both days because chest and shoulders work your tris

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenmcgiver View Post
    My height is 5'9 and weight is 180... I do tris twice because I only do light training both days because chest and shoulders work your tris
    No need.... Hit them once a week after delts and put biceps after chest....

    I've just saved you a visit to the gym as well...

    Legs twice a week... No problem but why legs and not upper body twice a week... Are they a weak point (legs)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9

    No need.... Hit them once a week after delts and put biceps after chest....

    I've just saved you a visit to the gym as well...

    Legs twice a week... No problem but why legs and not upper body twice a week... Are they a weak point (legs)
    Struggling to put on weight after a plateau, so I've Put 2 leg workouts in to try and shake things up

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenmcgiver

    Struggling to put on weight after a plateau, so I've Put 2 leg workouts in to try and shake things up
    Imo you are over training! People tend to underestimate how important rest is, resting time is when your body has time to recover and grow, I advise you to do each body part once per week, do your triceps on you chest day and you biceps on your back day, this will free you up to training 4 days per week, this gives you more time to rest, recover and GROW if you would like to train for a 5th day you could do some cardio? (30 second sprints (5 sets with 30 second rests) will build power and strength in your legs, also gives your hart a good workout)
    Last edited by 951thompson; 08-30-2012 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson

    Imo you are over training! People tend to underestimate how important rest is, resting time is when your body has time to recover and grow, I advise you to do each body part once per week, do your triceps on you chest day and you biceps on your back day, this will free you up to training 4 days per week, this gives you more time to rest, recover and GROW if you would like to train for a 5th day you could do some cardio? (30 second sprints (5 sets with 30 second rests) will build power and strength in your legs, also gives your hart a good workout)
    Your body tends to produce more growth hormone the larger the muscle. Work out legs twice as often as other body parts.

    Don't over train! The longer your workouts the more cortisol produced in response to physical and mental stress and cortisol hampers muscle growth.

    Important rule: you grow at HOME, not the gym. Rest is essential.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Your body tends to produce more growth hormone the larger the muscle. Work out legs twice as often as other body parts.

    Don't over train! The longer your workouts the more cortisol produced in response to physical and mental stress and cortisol hampers muscle growth.
    Important rule: you grow at HOME, not the gym. Rest is essential.
    @Yeah that's good advice, I train intensely for around 30 mins to 45 depending on what body part I'm doing, as muscleink says you can over train, this is a list of the most important things when it comes to bodybuilding (in order) 1. Diet (make sure you eat a 600 calorie surplus while on cycle) 2. Rest (plenty of lazing around and sleeping) 3. Training

  10. #10
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    Yesss I agree rest n grow.. that's why at work I try to sleep for an hour and wake up feeling pumped because I eat some protein to go with my rest, and it works.

  11. #11
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    Try training every second day, you will find the extra rest will give you great gains. has worked for many including me.

  12. #12
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    I'll have to disagree with most of what is above my post. I lift 6 days a week with one day rest, and I do recover just fine. It depends on how well you plan your workouts and how well YOU can recover.

    Also, I feel like you could rearrange your workout better. Something like this (I'm currently doing btw)...

    Shoulders + traps + rotator cuffs
    Back + Bicep
    Chest + tricep
    Legs + Back OR Chest (week 1 OR 2)

    then it repeats.

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