04-30-2003, 04:01 PM #1
Result of Strength Training With Ganglian Cyst?
Is there any problems a ganglian cyst may present with heavy lifting or powerlifting? For those wondering, a ganglian cyst is a bump on the back of ones hand, near the wrist, from the size of a pea to the size of a marble (and more in extreme circumstances). They can be elsewhere, but not nearly as common.
It mainly causes problems during benching, but that may be carried over from a previous day of deads. I am a powerlifter, so I am curious as to if extreme force on the wrist area can aggrevate this condition (or worse).
Since I hear this is a common condition, I figured I would post this before a trip to the physician.
05-02-2003, 09:10 PM #2
Holy gahd....i had that for the LONGEST time (about a year and a half) without knowing what it was. I still don't know for sure that's what I had, but what you describe is exactly what I had. It ended up just going away on its own, little by little over the last six months...stupid me never saw a doctor about it.
Anyway, to get to the point, the only times the thing used to really flare up on me were A) after heavy "grip intense" exercises like deads, shrugs and rows and B) after an exercise involving serious wrist stabilization like heavy straight barbell curls, close grip bench or nosebreakers. I guess it would really feel like aggravating a twisted ankle (best way i can describe it) on just that pea sized area. Mine never resulted in anything serious, but there were times where it prevented comfortable movement in that wrist the following day, and in retrospect I wish i got it checked out, as i'm sure i flirted with a more serious pain/condition at times.
05-04-2003, 09:48 PM #3
I would really like to know if there is potential for more serious damage. Pain is easy for most people to work through when they are lifting heavy... although there is not much pain persay... however, I wonder if this could 'burst', or become worse.
What research I have done with it states that it is something to just leave alone, since it is not likely to get worse, however I doubt they had bodybuilders or powerlifters in mind when they made that comment. However, under normal circumstances, a doctor does not seem to be needed for a slight case, as is the norm.
05-20-2003, 12:10 AM #4
I had one on my left wirst. Mr Dr Drained it and about 9 months later I had to have him do it again. Its been gone for years now. Look into having it drained. Its basically a small pocket of fluid.
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