Due to injuries (back and right shoulder), there are only a few exercises I can do. I just wanted to get some input.

I cannot do any sort of bench work because my shoulder has a lot of pain from any grip more than about hands 4 inches or so apart.

Right now my routine is this:

I warm up with some sort of light stationary bike riding, shadow boxing... whatever.

Push-ups: I do 10 sets of close grip push-ups. All of them are done with hands touching, or very slightly apart. I try to increase the intensity by going to failure each set with only 1 minute of rest inbetween.

I wait about 5 or so minutes and then (laugh if you must) I do dips between the kitchen counters. About 2 minutes rest between sets and do those to failure as well. I do 4-5 sets of these. I do them between the counters because I can adjust hand position to take pressure off of the shoulder.

Tricep work: A lot of the work is obviously going to come from the close hand position of the push-ups, but I also do 6-8 sets of overhead tricep extensions. Don't ask me why that doesn't hurt the shoulder, but it doesn't.

I usually wait 2 days and then use one of those golds gym pull-up bars that go in the doorway.

Pull-ups: I do 8-10 sets alternating between the palm facing close grip pull ups and the neutral grips. Again, if the grip is to wide it causes pain. It does manage to keep my lats sore which is always a nice feeling.

The bicep work consists of the close grip pull-ups and then doing concentration curls. I do drop sets... 30, 25, 20 each to failure. 6 sets of these and then 2-3 sets of hammer curls.

Obviously this isn't some gym rat workout, but I push as hard as possible and to failure each time. I'd like to see some sort of growth and strength gains out of this. The push-ups have produced some growth, but I think that is just from growth from when I could lift correctly. Arms are also a bit larger.

What may help growth here? I can't take creatine... Doctor said my BUN and creatnine levels were a little to high.