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Thread: Smith machine leg press

  1. #1

    Smith machine leg press

    I have a home gym, pretty decent one with a cage and smith machine included. Squats have been putting too much compression on my spine so I've had to lay off. Wondering how effective/safe it would be for me to lay on the ground or bench and usr the smith machine as a leg press to make sure I still get some gains without squats. Let me know what you guys think!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Fort Nelson, BC
    Sounds good, I currently use only a home gym myself but still visit a local pool with a decent gym when I need to target a area I cant really hit with what I have at home, you could also go to a local area and use their seated leg machines and sissy squats to help keep pressure off back, but if this is your only option it should be decent enough and safe just go slow and dont try and push it too hard, good luck

  3. #3
    Now I'm just worried about the amount of weight I'm gonna need to put on... Lol

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