Planning towards my first cycle, Im currently doing somthing similar to the 5x5/Rippetoes program but its the version from reg parks workout which is as follows
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Alternate between A/B adding weight to everything when I sucessfully complete a workout with all my reps
Squats 2x warmup (pyramiding) 3x5 working sets
Bench same as above
Chin-ups 2x5 bodyweight or 1x10BW 3x5 with weights
Wrist curls 2x10
Calves (elevated Standing) 2x15-20
Front Squats, 2 sets w/u 3x5 work sets
B/O BB Rows -Same
Military Press same
Deads same except just 1 workset
I am wondering if this is a bad program to use while on cycle and If I should turn towards somthing more like a traditional split with higher reps.
The reason Im doing this is quite honestly because I love training like this, I find myself more motivated to get into the gym and actually can't wait untill my next workout. and I love to squat and my legs are growing like weeds. I find it motivating to be constantly pushing more weight than last time.
The reason i ask is because I am planning my first cycle with the goal being to bulk up and pack on size. But I also want to be strong and make some raw stength gains
Any suggestions? Does anyone think this is ok to use for my cycle/bulk up? anyone done this before?