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Thread: New Guy with Chest/Shoulder injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Unhappy New Guy with Chest/Shoulder injury

    I am brand new to the boards and i have been reading around the forum and pretty confident in thinking you guys/girls are very knowledgable in weight training. I have been having a very sharp pain between my chest and shoulder. Almost in my armpit. I push up in there to what feels like a tendon and it hurts like hell. I haven't been able to do any heavy chest work in 3 weeks. It hurts everytime i flex or try to stretch it. Does anyone have any idea what this is or how to help treat it? Any advice would be appreciated. thank you.


  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    welcome bro. Let me think about your injury for a little while and I will get back to you. Do you know how you might have hurt it (it could help me determine what's wrong)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I can,t remember this totally but you have a tendon underneath your arm pit and even without any pains if you find it and push on it , it hurts like F%%K.You may have damaged it slightly and it has become swollen.Take it easy and see a Dr to be safe.You should be able to continue training just don,t perfrom any excercises that increase the pain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    i dont remember what i did that could have hurt it. I do chest on mondays with the weekend off. Nothing strenuous over the weekend and no pain the week before. Just went in on monday and it hurt like a mother. Bengay burns like hell in your armpit so i don't do that anymore. Would any of you recommend MSM or Glucosamine for the tendon pain? I know you guys are gonna kick my ass for telling you this, but i work at GNC, so i could get it pretty cheap and easy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    It could be alot of different things.

    I would first start with an anti-infammatory. Advil or just ibuprophin.

    don't over do it at the gym...and i would definitly go see a message therapist. Not one of those rub and a registored one..they will let you know exactly what your problem is. Ask around for some referals. Wouldn't just go to any message therapist..makes sure that they are good..

    hope this will end up helping..that is where i would start

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Oh yeah..i wouldn't recommend is not for tendon pain it is for a cartilage problem right in the joints..don't waste your won't do u any good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks for the help. I will look into my options. Could heat or ice help meanwhile. Or can you not tell cause the problem isn't exactly known.

    thanks again

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