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  1. #1
    Zodiac85's Avatar
    Zodiac85 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2013

    Programming for strength

    I could use some help sorting out some information here. My goals are #1 strength, #2 moderate bf% (I would be happy to end very strong at 15%), I would also appreciate the size gains that would come with this, but that's not my main priority. A lot of people here are pursuing bodybuilding goals, which I think necessitates a different type of workout.

    I have been using the Texas Method for a while now with good success. Basically its a volume day (5x5), light day (2x5) and heavy day (1x5). I don't do 5 exercises per body part. I lift 3 days per week. My workouts consist mainly of Squat, Bench, and deadlift/powerclean. I do pullups and a little arm work once a week. I am not planning to do a cycle for some time now, but given this type of workout currently,

    1) is this enough volume to take full advantage of aas?

    2)Most people on these forums probably do 5-10x as many sets per week as I do. Should I expect to add any volume? or just increase the weights faster? Or maybe change programs altogether while on cycle?

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Nov 2009
    UK Get in the diet forum!
    When training for strength you need to follow your basic powerlifting routine, be it a conjugate system, 531 or whatever and then add supplemental exercises after you have done your big lifts....

    If you want to learn about getting strong listen to Louie Simmons or dave Tate.... In fact there is a load of seminars on elitefts by dave that r really gd

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