I have been doing this routine for the past couple weeks. I really like it and it is kicking my ass. I used to do the standard Chest/Tri, Back/Bi, Legs/abs. It was good but I felt I needed a change. What do you guys think? I am not on cycle or have been in years.

Here it is and here is credit for it: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=146471313

D1 - Chest, front/side delts, triceps
D2 - Upper back, rear delts, biceps
D3 - Legs, lower back
D4 - Repeat D1
D5 - Repeat D2
D6 - Repeat D3
D7 - Rest

D1 - Bench press, incline bench press, rope pressdowns, overhead dumbbell extensions (single arm), dumbbell side laterals
D2 - Chin-ups, pull-ups, chest-supported rows (or seated rows), rear delt flyes, preacher curls
D3 - Romanian deadlifts, front squats, leg curls, leg extensions, standing calf raises, seated calf raises

For each exercise pick a weight that you can lift for a maximum of 10 reps (15 for standing calf raises, 20 for seated calf raises). You need to complete 50 (75 for standing calf raises, 100 for seated calf raises) total reps of each exercise. You perform your first set of each exercise as normal but you only rest for 30 seconds between each set (if you can even call them proper sets). You perform as many sets as it takes until you complete your 50 total reps. Obviously you won't be able to complete 10 reps in each set but it doesn't matter, this is how it's supposed to be. Perform as many reps as you can after each 30 second rest period (try to stop 1 rep short of failure, if you'll fail to perform 6 reps you should stop after rep 5). An example below.

Set 1 = 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Set 2 = 5 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Set 3 = 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Set 4 = 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Set 5 = 3 reps

You've complete 24 reps so far, keep going until you've completed 50. This is just an example, the number of reps you get in reality may be different but the principle remains the same. Have a longer rest between different exercises so that you're not too fatigued from the previous exercise. Once you notice that a particular exercise is starting to feel easy (you're getting more reps in general) you need to add some more weight the next time you perform that exercise.