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Thread: "Muscle Memory" Any science to back it up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    "Muscle Memory" Any science to back it up?

    What do folks think about "Muscle Memory" I've been off for the last 8 months aside from light running and swimming. Currently I'm back in the gym, doing cardio to lean up before another cycle. I have just started lifting again in the last couple weeks. Nice and easy, just a few easy sets. I'm taking some time to get back into hard training mode, no need to rush.
    I've heard a LOT about "Muscle Memory" but is it real? Has anyone seen any articles or studies which prove or disprove it? I'd LOVE to get back where I was a whole lot quicker than it took to get there!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I don't have any articles on hand, but it seems to be scientifically accepted.

    One mechanism by wich "muscle memory" effect helps regain mass is by the average number of nuclei per cells. Muscle cells are one of the only (in fact I think the ARE the only) type of cells that can be polynucleic (not sure how that spells in english).

    When you train, you damage muscle fibers. Some cells become "absorbed" by others, resulting in polynecluic cells (more than 1 nucleus per cell). Even if you lose muscle mass, your average number of nucleis per cells is still higher than someone who never trained, so protein synthesis and other anabolic process are faster.

    Of course it is greatly simplified, and might not be 100% accurate as I am no biologist.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Bump. Any others?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I only speak from experience,
    I had time off like you, and shrank down to a point where it didn't look like I trained period. Maybe not that bad, but it was noticeable.
    Upon returning to the gym, within a few months, maybe a little longer, was almost back to where I was.
    Theres no way I could of achieved that much growth if I hadn't already had it before. Like I said though, that was just my experience and to answer your question ya I believe in muscle memory.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Were you using chemicals when you built back up so quickly, or was it natural?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    I only speak from experience,
    I had time off like you, and shrank down to a point where it didn't look like I trained period. Maybe not that bad, but it was noticeable.
    Upon returning to the gym, within a few months, maybe a little longer, was almost back to where I was.
    Theres no way I could of achieved that much growth if I hadn't already had it before. Like I said though, that was just my experience and to answer your question ya I believe in muscle memory.
    This happened for me as well after my first shoulder injury and when I got back into lifting after my military training was completed.

    After the shoulder injury I came back within a couple months what had taken me years to achieve and after my military training had been completed I was gaining 4 or 5 extremely lean pounds a month without putting that much work into it honestly. I fully believe in muscle memory.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Natural, no chemicals..I was like 22
    Did my rotator cuff so I was out for quite a while

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Okay, good to know. I'm the skinny lil' runt hard-gainer. I've worked for years just to get to a level where it kinda looks like I might work out, LOL. I sort of felt like this happened when I've taken long breaks before, but I wanted to make sure.

  9. #9
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    What do folks think about "Muscle Memory" I've been off for the last 8 months aside from light running and swimming. Currently I'm back in the gym, doing cardio to lean up before another cycle. I have just started lifting again in the last couple weeks. Nice and easy, just a few easy sets. I'm taking some time to get back into hard training mode, no need to rush.
    I've heard a LOT about "Muscle Memory" but is it real? Has anyone seen any articles or studies which prove or disprove it? I'd LOVE to get back where I was a whole lot quicker than it took to get there!
    To put it simply in laymens terms and not knowing proper descriptions here is what it is. When you lift you tear down muscle fiber, the natural body repairs them and fortifies them to be stronger. When the body continues and adds more consistent weigh the body saids hey if this is how it's going to be I'll add more fibers and it does so now you have greater mass / more fibers then when you started. Remember I'm explaining this for the simple mind (me) So when you stop and everything goes atrophy thew fibers don't reduce. Hence when you get back to it you are starting with more of a foundation and more to expand. I know this to be TRUE. Look at my pic. I sat on drvgs on the couch stoned and I got small, real small and shriveled up. now only 5-6 months lifting I got to this point. It took much longer, much, much the first time I started to lift back in 80'. I mean really even though I'm not big or any tremendous specimen do you think a 61 yr old ecto could look like just this in 5 months after a 25 yr layoff. I stared at 155 lbs and I'm now 190. Just my story even if you think I don't look like much, it alot more then 5-6 months ago. ...crazy OLD mike

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Mike, don't be hard on yourself,

    You are a tremendous specimen

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Mike, you look awesome, don't EVEN sell yourself short!
    I too am an ecto. I look in the mirror and still see a scrawny dude, who has fought for years for every ounce of muscle. I'm just glad to know I don't lose it when I take time off. For my new cycle which starts in two weeks, I'm hoping to take advantage of this phenomenon and really BLAST into some new growth. On my last cycles, I had already trained hard for 6 months to a year prior to cycling.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Mike, don't be hard on yourself,

    You are a tremendous specimen
    Thanks. It's not easy. Ya realize I'm fighting the aging. Most of you guys are just coming into maturity and I'm headed out the door. Ya know so to speak. But I work hard and am fortunate to be retired and this is what I do now. Thanks again the complements go farther then you know, and I'm not getting big headed. Gotta keep it all in perspective. ...c m

  13. #13
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    Mike, you look awesome, don't EVEN sell yourself short!
    I too am an ecto. I look in the mirror and still see a scrawny dude, who has fought for years for every ounce of muscle. I'm just glad to know I don't lose it when I take time off. For my new cycle which starts in two weeks, I'm hoping to take advantage of this phenomenon and really BLAST into some new growth. On my last cycles, I had already trained hard for 6 months to a year prior to cycling.
    Listen when you do a cycle, along with diet, and good sleep. You MUST train smart. On gear we can train like beasts but you must have the mind to muscle connection. You must concentrate on using and contracting the muscle you are attacking. Always remember the negative movement and the contraction at the top.. ...nuff out of me, concentrate on it don't just move it around.

  14. #14
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    To put it simply in laymens terms and not knowing proper descriptions here is what it is. When you lift you tear down muscle fiber, the natural body repairs them and fortifies them to be stronger. When the body continues and adds more consistent weigh the body saids hey if this is how it's going to be I'll add more fibers and it does so now you have greater mass / more fibers then when you started. Remember I'm explaining this for the simple mind (me) So when you stop and everything goes atrophy thew fibers don't reduce. Hence when you get back to it you are starting with more of a foundation and more to expand. I know this to be TRUE. Look at my pic. I sat on drvgs on the couch stoned and I got small, real small and shriveled up. now only 5-6 months lifting I got to this point. It took much longer, much, much the first time I started to lift back in 80'. I mean really even though I'm not big or any tremendous specimen do you think a 61 yr old ecto could look like just this in 5 months after a 25 yr layoff. I stared at 155 lbs and I'm now 190. Just my story even if you think I don't look like much, it alot more then 5-6 months ago. ...crazy OLD mike
    Crazy mike father hats off to you wonderful post and Your not going out the door okay. you look better then most guys who are 20. and NEVER say crazy old mike because its only crazy.... Mike
    Take care and best of luck

    Yours truly


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Thanks Aziz

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Natural, no chemicals..I was like 22
    Did my rotator cuff so I was out for quite a while
    How long are you out for a bad rotator cuff?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I sure hope the memory is true it will make it a lot easier on me

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yes muscle memory is real. Yes there have been thousands of studies done on the subject. Best web site I can think of for answering your question is . All the Studies have indicated that after weight training and taking time off, we regain muscle force and mass more quickly in response to training compared to how long it took initially.

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