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Thread: My typical workout week

  1. #1
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    My typical workout week

    Before I give my workout routine, I will mention some information about me. I am 23 (almost 24), 6'0, weigh around 182 pounds, and am very lean. I have been lifting for about 5 years now. I have always had a very fast metabolism and have trouble gaining weight. I believe I have plateaued, so I am contemplating using steroids to get to that next level. Although I would like to gain weight, my goal is to be a ripped 200 or so. I don't want to be too big (no offense to anyone), but I am primarily interested in having a more athletic figure.

    I am aware that rest and nutrition are essential to building muscle, but one thing that I have trouble with is ending my workout before 90 minutes. I don't feel like I have done enough. I like where I am, but I am having trouble gaining much more muscle. Anyway, here is my routine; and keep in mind that all sets are to failure with each set's being between 7 and 11 reps. I know many people may not like this routine.

    Monday (arms):
    bicep curls - 4 sets
    tricep cable extension - 4 sets
    cable curl - 4 sets
    tricep extension machine - 3 sets
    dumbbell curls - 2 sets
    skull crushers - 4 sets
    21s - 2 sets
    single arm dumbbell tricep extension - 2 sets
    barbell reverse curls - 2 sets
    overhead double arm dumbbell tricep extension - 4 sets
    preacher curls - 4 sets
    tricep extension with the rope - 3 sets
    concentrated dumbbell curls - 2 sets
    bent over tricep extension - 2 sets

    Tuesday (legs/abs):
    squat - 5 sets
    front squat - 2 sets
    declined situps - 4 sets of 30
    leg curl - 2 sets
    leg extension - 2 sets
    hanging leg raises - 4 sets of 20
    calf raises - 4 sets
    leg press - 2 sets
    situps - 2 sets of 50
    leg adduction machine - 2 sets
    leg abduction machine - 2 sets
    standing calf raises - 2 sets
    lying leg raises - 2 sets of 40

    Wednesday (shoulder):
    dumbbell press - 4 sets
    cable front raises - 4 sets
    cable lateral raises - 4 sets
    cable overhead press - 3 sets
    rear-delt machine - 4 sets
    arnold press - 2 sets
    dumbbell lying rear delt - 4 sets
    sitting lateral raises - 4 sets
    upright barbell row - 2 sets
    rotator cuff cable - 4 sets
    barbell press - 2 sets

    Thursday (back)
    bent-over rows - 4 sets
    seated cable rows - 4 sets
    lat pull down - 4 sets
    lat pullover - 4 sets
    dumbbell shrugs - 4 sets
    barbell shrugs - 4 sets
    pullups - 4 sets of 13
    cable single arm lat pull down - 3 sets
    cable single arm rows - 3 sets
    narrow grip lat pulldown - 2 sets
    lower back extension machine - 4 sets
    cable lat pulldown - 3 sets
    bent over rows on smith machine - 4 sets
    wide grip seated cable rows - 2 sets
    dumbbell bent over rows - 2

    Friday (chest)
    bench press - 4 sets
    decline bench - 4 sets
    incline bench - 4 sets
    dumbbell flies - 4 sets
    dumbbell press - 4 sets
    fly machine - 4 sets
    cable press - 2 sets
    cable decline - 2 sets
    cable flies - 2 sets
    cable incline - 2 sets
    press machine - 2 sets
    lying dumbbell pullover - 2 sets


  2. #2
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    I have experimented with full body workouts, upper and lower body split workouts, and now isolated muscle groups. One thing I am contemplating doing is only going 4 days a week, but keep the routine the same for the most part. I will just cycle a muscle group out every week. For example

    Week 1: Arms, legs/abs, rest, shoulder, back
    Week 2 : chest, arms, rest, legs/abs, shoulder
    Week 3: back, chest, rest, arms, legs/abs
    Week 4: shoulder, back, rest, chest, arms
    Week 5: legs/abs, shoulder, rest, back, chest.

    As I mentioned before, my muscles don't feel sufficiently worked if I cut my workouts to less than 90 minutes. Also I like so many different exercises because I believe it works the muscle in a different way. I know it is popular to do more sets of less exercises, but I would just like to get any advice.

  3. #3
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    I mean this to be constructive, not insulting.......

    Your routine looks like you don't have an objective besides being in the gym for an hour and a half. I mean you've got 14 movements on your arm day which suggests you want to hit the muscle from every possible angle, but not a sufficient volume of any of them to do anything besides provide a pump. The pump wears off a couple hours later and maybe you're sore for a day or two, but you never get any stronger and you never get any bigger.

    I don't have issue with your splits other than the order, and you do have the right movements in them to get stronger and bigger..... but there is just so much extra fluff that you're just spinning your wheels.

    You also, and actually most importantly, need to feed the machine. I don't know what you eat, or how much...... but it isn't enough. You simply cannot add 18lbs of muscle without stuffing in enough fuel to accomplish the task.

    I don't know much about bodybuilding, and the only things I know about aas is the stuff I'm reading here, but I do know a little about strength and how to get it. Start with the big three... Squat, deadlift, and bench. Learn the proper forms and techniques. Learn the ancillary movements that help those movements get stronger and build your routine from there, as increases in those three lead to increases in everything else. Eat right, train right, live right.

  4. #4
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    I agree with what the old busted fella was sayin lol

    Your doing way to much and getting nothing out if it but blood flow. It's good to have all those exercises in ur arsenal, but don't do them all in one day, pick 3 of each of the body part and do a warm up set of about 20-25 with like weight, then do as much weight as you can for 4-6 reps till failure. Drop the weight by 10-15% and do 6-8 reps last one being to failure, drop the weight another 10-15% and do 8-10 reps, last one to failure. Drop weight again and do it till u can't finish a rep. Then tell me you don't feel like u didn't work them. Alternate your exercises every time you do that body part so you get all your angels.

    Are you aware of how muscle grows?

  5. #5
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    First of all, thank you guys for this advice. I appreciate any constructive criticism. When you guys give recommendations and advice beyond simply stating my routine is wrong, I greatly appreciate it.

    Tron, I think I know quite a bit about how muscles grow; and I have a pretty built body so that's what makes me believe I was doing something right. Obviously, I am plateauing though; so I need to change something. I really like your advice about dropping the weight by those percentages, but I should only pick 3 exercises? God, that makes me afraid I won't sufficiently work all areas of the muscle. Do you think I should keep my 5-day workout routine, and only change the number of exercises each day? In the case of leg/ab day, if I alternate the exercises (that day I will do 6, 3 for legs and 3 for abs), that means I won't be doing squats every week which I read was the most ideal way to gain mass as it naturally stimulates more HGH production. Should there be exercises I always include in a muscle group, e.g. bench press, squat, overhead press?

    What more advice can you give to help my muscle growth?

    Oldandbusted, what days should I do the muscle groups then? I try to give my arms rest so that is why I do leg and abs the following day. I also read that you shouldn't do shoulder and chest in consecutive days; hence the reason I do back in between.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    To add what the others have put already,

    Your over training and doing way to much, look at HIT style training and learn how to increase the intensity of your workouts and also learn not to repeat the same kind of exercise to stimulate the same part of the muscle.

    If your training routine was like this I suspect your diet needs a lot of work also. Check out the nutrition section on bulking diets. If you attack these 2 areas training and diet you will reach your goal easy.

  7. #7
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    I posted a thread on my diet, and I am very strict about that. I would supply links to the other two threads I started, but I need a few more posts until I can do that.

  8. #8
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    Your routine really reminds me of my old routine. I was working out with a former mr.california for the last year. We usually do about 12 exercises per body part, 6 sets per exercise and 12-18 rep range. I worked my butt off week after week, ate clean high cals, slept, took aas etc. I got a gnarly pump every time and I almost always got sore. I NEVER grew or got stronger though after a certain point. I am now a firm believer if you want to grow its all about lower rep, heavy weight and less sets. I jumped on the Ronnie Rowland slingshot training method. Over training sucks dude. Work your tail off and get nowhere. You can search slingshot training on this forums search. Hope that helps ya brah

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22

    Tron, I think I know quite a bit about how muscles grow; and I have a pretty built body so that's what makes me believe I was doing something right. Obviously, I am plateauing though; so I need to change something. I really like your advice about dropping the weight by those percentages, but I should only pick 3 exercises? God, that makes me afraid I won't sufficiently work all areas of the muscle. Do you think I should keep my 5-day workout routine, and only change the number of exercises each day? In the case of leg/ab day, if I alternate the exercises (that day I will do 6, 3 for legs and 3 for abs), that means I won't be doing squats every week which I read was the most ideal way to gain mass as it naturally stimulates more HGH production. Should there be exercises I always include in a muscle group, e.g. bench press, squat, overhead press?

    What more advice can you give to help my muscle growth?

    Oldandbusted, what days should I do the muscle groups then? I try to give my arms rest so that is why I do leg and abs the following day. I also read that you shouldn't do shoulder and chest in consecutive days; hence the reason I do back in between.
    I wasn't trying to insult your intelligence, just trying expand your knowledge base and didn't want to go into it if u knew exactly how hyper trophy occurs. But, the reason I asked is because ur doing 2 sets of 15, now that may increase your endurance, but increasing the amount of ATP in ur muscle cells will only fuel intense workouts. And by all means has its place, but not for your goals. Fo hypertrophu to occur, micro tears have to occur in ur muscle fibers. This is caused by a muscle being contracted while being stretched (resistance training). Without going into the actual body chemistry, your body repairs these micro tears, during the repair process, your muscle fibers actually increase in size (hypertrophy). Now, which do U think would cause a muscle fiber to tear? Picking up a weight that is so heavy you can only lift it a few times, or lifting a weight light enough to lift it 15 times?

    As far as ur work out duration and the amount of exercises, I'll give u a little background of myself. I was at one point 160lbs at 6'. I have tried everything. My workouts are now 45-60 minutes long. I ve only done 1 "real" cycke, i now cut diwn to 201 @ 10%bf. I do 3 exercises per body part more is not always more. But there are staples of ur workout, squats, dead lifts, bench press, but there are variations to all if these. Also, a bit out of context, but concentrating on muscle contraction is extremely important. Mind muscle connection.

  10. #10
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    If anything listen to Marcus, that guys a beast among men

  11. #11
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    One thing that is frustrating is the conflicting beliefs and research that suggest high volume is both better and worse than high intensity. I know it is good to mix up routines, so I will probably experiment with Tron's plan and a high intensity style of training.

  12. #12
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    I understand ur frustrations, and like I said high reps has its place, but unless your pre exhausting that particular muscle, I'm sure most would agree that 5-10 reps to failure with as much weight as u can lift (along with proper diet), is the way to gain size and strength.

  13. #13
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    Tron, I shoot for 7-11 reps, not 15. Also I didn't mean to come off as though I was offended, I apologize. I appreciate any advice. Yeah, I am very conscious about my reps. I try to have slow and controlled motions. I guess the reason I am afraid of doing few reps is that I won't be as "cut." Clearly, you were in the same boat as me. I too was 6'0, 155 pounds; but you are at about where I want to be. I know everyone's anatomy and genetics are different, but I think I will give your suggested routine a try.

  14. #14
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    Thanks tdoe11. I have made great strides since I first started working out. If I included that routine here, I think I would be banned. I can become very obsessive, and I was afraid I wasn't doing enough so I was going wayyyyyy overboard. Apparently, I still am; but it is nowhere like I used to.

    Am I correct in the assertion that low reps, high weight increases muscle mass but in a "bulkier" way instead of a "ripped" way. I don't want to have that "swolled" look so that is why I am afraid to have too few reps.

    Thanks again everyone. I really do appreciate all the advice I have been getting on my diet thread and workout thread.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    Tron, I shoot for 7-11 reps, not 15. Also I didn't mean to come off as though I was offended, I apologize. I appreciate any advice. Yeah, I am very conscious about my reps. I try to have slow and controlled motions. I guess the reason I am afraid of doing few reps is that I won't be as "cut." Clearly, you were in the same boat as me. I too was 6'0, 155 pounds; but you are at about where I want to be. I know everyone's anatomy and genetics are different, but I think I will give your suggested routine a try.
    Personally I think that old myth of high reps makes u cut is buttocks! It will give you a hell of a pump, but that pump will go away. Ur muscles have points to where they connect to your bones and as ur muscles grow in thickness they will bulge from that point creating definition. And low body fat will create definition. The only way I see that high reps holds validity is if ur doing such high reps it turns into cardio.

  16. #16
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    I think I am going to try your routine Tron. I don't mean to waste any more of your time as you have already given me a lot of advice, but I will include a draft of my "new" routine. Before I begin to draft one, do you like my 5-day routine more than the 4-day? I am afraid only doing 4 days will make me fat (despite my very fast metabolism).

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    I think I am going to try your routine Tron. I don't mean to waste any more of your time as you have already given me a lot of advice, but I will include a draft of my "new" routine. Before I begin to draft one, do you like my 5-day routine more than the 4-day? I am afraid only doing 4 days will make me fat (despite my very fast metabolism).
    Your not wasting my time. I'm on here for a reason, to learn and to share knowledge. I don't mind sharing my knowledge and experience with those that are willing to listen. Let me look at it again real quick. But as far as 4 or 5 days, if u can, 5 is fine if ur doing individual body parts like u are. The key is to give the muscle adequate time to recover, which also means to not overlap primary and secondary muscles, like back and bis. But I'll look at ur 5 day split. While I'm looking. Have a look at this

    There may b some info in that in relation to how muscles grow, might learn something...

  18. #18
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    Personally I'd do:


    Reason I put them in that order is because you have at least 2 days before a secondary muscle (tris on chest and shoulders) overlap. And I put arms and abs together because your arm day should b your easiest day. Most ppl don't have to work their arms very hard for them to grow because they are used so much. I'm not saying don't give them a good workout, but it will b easiest. Also they don't have an extreme effect on ur central nervous system. And after a good leg day ur CNS will need a break. Also I moved abs from leg day for that reason, plus if u have a good leg day, there's not an ice cubes chance in hell your doing abs!!! Lol

  19. #19
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    Thank you Tron. I was aware of most of that information, and I am glad that I am following much of that advice. One question I have is on the BCAAs. I have read articles stating that BCAAs aren't that important; hence the reason I currently don't take any. Did you notice significant progress when you started to include BCAAs in your diet? I have also read very interesting articles on bodybuilding dot com (I believe we aren't supposed to supply links out of this website) stating that the times at which you consume protein is not as important as once believed. I still have a hard time digesting that, so I try to eat certain types of protein at specific times; but I am curious on what your stance is on the matter.

  20. #20
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    Ha. Yeah Tuesday (leg/abs day) is the day I contemplate suicide, just kidding. I pretty much kill myself on that day, so I have no problem with your suggestion of not doing abs on legs day.

  21. #21
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    Now that I have reached 25 posts, I will include links to two other threads of mine; although you (Tron) have already given advice in one.

    My diet thread:

    My first cycle thread:

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to sort your training and diet out before any steriods. Build somemore naturally for another 6 months at least see where you are then

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    Thank you Tron. I was aware of most of that information, and I am glad that I am following much of that advice. One question I have is on the BCAAs. I have read articles stating that BCAAs aren't that important; hence the reason I currently don't take any. Did you notice significant progress when you started to include BCAAs in your diet? I have also read very interesting articles on bodybuilding dot com (I believe we aren't supposed to supply links out of this website) stating that the times at which you consume protein is not as important as once believed. I still have a hard time digesting that, so I try to eat certain types of protein at specific times; but I am curious on what your stance is on the matter.
    Oh boy, where to begin...

    Bcaa's have their place. Technically, bcaa's are only lucine, isolucine and valine and its shown they may have several possible benefits outside of being key in muscle building. They are also apart of essential amino acids, which means the body can't make them and we have to obtain them. All proteins are broken down ti amino acids, including but not limited to bcaas. so, i think They are extremely important as they are think primary building blocks of our genetic code. If you have a good well rounded diet.....chances are your getting plenty. But bcaa's have a good place in certain dieting strategies like intermittent fasting. Which brings us to your other question. That one is a little more complex. The answer is yes...and no...there is a window after ur workout where it is best to feed your muscles to expedite recovery, but that's a part of nutrient timing. And the no part....well I don't eat for 16-18 hours at a time and get all if my macros in a 6-8 hour window, usually in two meals (intermittent fasting). And if you understand nutrient timing you can make this work for growing muscles and losing body fat. But that's a real long conversation and its prolly best for now that u keep that in the back if your mind as its a little bit advanced and takes a lot of reading to wrap your head around. You really have to understand lipolyisis, lypogenisis, protein synthesis, glucogenisus, insulin effects, etc...

  24. #24
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    And I agree with Marcus, you are on a great path, and ur willing to learn, wait a little bit and gain more knowledge and you will b able to maximize and keep your gains 10 fold compared to if u started now.

  25. #25
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    Here is my new routine which is up for revision. Thanks to Tron3219 for the tips. The first set in each of the routines will be 4-6 reps until failure. I will then progressively decrease the weight by 10-15% each set after until I can't finish a rep. This is the first week. I will cycle out each exercise with 3 new exercises focusing on the same muscle group.

    Monday (chest):
    bench press
    dumbbell flies
    cable inclined

    Tuesday (back):
    barbell bent over rows
    lat pulldown

    Wednesday (shoulders):
    dumbbell overhead press
    rear-delt machine
    cable front raises

    Thursday (legs):
    leg curl
    leg extension
    standing calf raises
    seated calf raises

    Friday (arms/abs):
    barbell curls
    preacher curls
    skull crushers
    tricep cable extension
    declined situps
    hanging leg raises
    Last edited by basketballfan22; 01-20-2013 at 12:04 AM. Reason: Forgot to focus on calves.

  26. #26
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    Keep squats, deads, and bench in ur routine every week, just change the variation in which u do them.

    And I'm sorry I forgot to mention, u can do a couple more exercises on leg day, sorry, u have quads, calves, and hamstrings. Two good hard exercises for each one should do ya good. You'll b ready to throw up
    Last edited by Tron3219; 01-19-2013 at 11:53 PM.

  27. #27
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    16-18 hours without eating?!? Holy shit, I think I would die! I have never heard of waiting that long between meals. I have read that if you keep eating every couple of hours, then you will maximize your metabolic rate which in return will allow you to burn fat. You have piqued my curiosity now though. I know you recommend holding off learning about lipolysis, lipogenesis, etc,; but I think I will read some articles on them over the next few days.

    marcus300, I have pretty much decided to hold off on AAS at least for a year. I will try experimenting with this new routine, and I will probably try a bulking/cutting cycle (even though I am not keen on being too bulky) just to see where I can get naturally. I don't want to be too large, as I prefer a more "natural and athletic" look; so if I can accomplish that without ever using AAS, then I definitely will. As many here can attest to though, we are never satisfied at our size or definition (muscle dysmorphia).

  28. #28
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    Do you think I should always keep squats and bench instead of trying variations e.g. front squat, decline bench? Otherwise some weeks I will probably do both squats and front squats as well as flat bench and decline bench press. I will edit my routine though. I am an idiot for not realizing I hadn't included calf exercises.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    16-18 hours without eating?!? Holy shit, I think I would die! I have never heard of waiting that long between meals. I have read that if you keep eating every couple of hours, then you will maximize your metabolic rate which in return will allow you to burn fat. You have piqued my curiosity now though. I know you recommend holding off learning about lipolysis, lipogenesis, etc,; but I think I will read some articles on them over the next few days.
    By all means, learn all you can. I just meant don't try to implement them into ur plan till u fully understand it. Eating ever few hours is a solid routine, and will get results. But like muscle growth, fat loss flattens out too. There are more aggressive strategies that can b out into place like intermittent fasting, carb cycling and combinations of the two along with others.

    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22

    marcus300, I have pretty much decided to hold off on AAS at least for a year. I will try experimenting with this new routine, and I will probably try a bulking/cutting cycle (even though I am not keen on being too bulky) just to see where I can get naturally. I don't want to be too large, as I prefer a more "natural and athletic" look; so if I can accomplish that without ever using AAS, then I definitely will. As many here can attest to though, we are never satisfied at our size or definition (muscle dysmorphia).
    Great choice

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22

    Do you think I should always keep squats and bench instead of trying variations e.g. front squat, decline bench? Otherwise some weeks I will probably do both squats and front squats as well as flat bench and decline bench press. I will edit my routine though. I am an idiot for not realizing I hadn't included calf exercises.
    That's fine, doing the same exercise back to back each week is fine as long as ur getting results. If u stall out, then u have to shock the body. I just personally like changing every time I work out. Not necessarily EVERY workout, but it helps with overall strength and breaks up the monotony.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Here is my new routine which is up for revision. Thanks to Tron3219 for the tips. The first set in each of the routines will be 4-6 reps until failure. I will then progressively decrease the weight by 10-15% each set after until I can't finish a rep. This is the first week. I will cycle out each exercise with 3 new exercises focusing on the same muscle group.

    Monday (chest):
    bench press
    dumbbell flies
    cable inclined

    Tuesday (back):
    barbell bent over rows
    lat pulldown

    Wednesday (shoulders):
    dumbbell overhead press
    rear-delt machine
    cable front raises

    Thursday (legs):
    leg curl
    leg extension
    standing calf raises
    seated calf raises

    Friday (arms/abs):
    barbell curls
    preacher curls
    skull crushers
    tricep cable extension
    declined situps
    hanging leg raises
    I like that split a lot better. Arms get hit to some degree on every upper body movement, so I like that you moved them to last. Since you take the weekends off your energy and strength will be highest early in the week, so do your big lifts then. I squat on Monday and dead on Thursday. That gives the glutes and hammies time to recover before killing them again.

    Also by "first set" I assume you mean first working set. Your warmup sets(s) should be below 50% and at least 20 reps.

    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    Do you think I should always keep squats and bench instead of trying variations e.g. front squat, decline bench? Otherwise some weeks I will probably do both squats and front squats as well as flat bench and decline bench press. I will edit my routine though. I am an idiot for not realizing I hadn't included calf exercises.
    Front squats are an isolation movement for the quads. You can add them in whenever you like, but they are essentially the same as doing the quad extension machine. If you don't normally do incline/decline bench definitely add them in. You'll be amazed at how hard it hits just changing that angle up a little bit.
    Last edited by Oldandbusted; 01-20-2013 at 01:23 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I just personally like changing every time I work out. Not necessarily EVERY workout, but it helps with overall strength and breaks up the monotony.
    Agreed. My heavy core work is always the same, but the dynamic work I switch up fairly often.

  33. #33
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    Oldandbusted, so you would recommend doing legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms/abs? I like Tron's idea of having shoulders, chest, and arms separated by a day in-between. The only way I can merge both of your plans is to include deadlift on a different muscle group day.

    Tron, I forgot to ask about rest between sets. I normally shoot for about 45 seconds to one minute, but again this is something that people often disagree about. I read more rest will allow me to maximize my gains because my muscles will be sufficiently rested to hit another set, but I have also read that I should have short rest periods in order to hit muscle fatigue sooner. This new plan requires me to decrease the weight on each set, so I am interested in hearing how rest should be incorporated into this new regimen.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by basketballfan22; 01-20-2013 at 08:58 AM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    Oldandbusted, so you would recommend doing legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms/abs? I like Tron's idea of having shoulders, chest, and arms separated by a day in-between. The only way I can merge both of your plans is to include deadlift on a different muscle group day.

    Tron, I forgot to ask about rest between sets. I normally shoot for about 45 seconds to one minute, but again this is something that people often disagree about. I read more rest will allow me to maximize my gains because my muscles will be sufficiently rested to hit another set, but I have also read that I should have short rest periods in order to hit muscle fatigue sooner. This new plan requires me to decrease the weight on each set, so I am interested in hearing how rest should be incorporated into this new regimen.

    Thanks guys.
    Personally, depending in what excercize, I rest about 45 seconds to 2 minutes or so. Just rest till you feel you will have maximum effort on the next set. But the reason there is a rest period is to replenish ATP intramuscularly. That takes about 45 seconds. But after heavy ass to grass squats it takes longer then 45 seconds to quit seein dots lol

  35. #35
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    Okay, that's good to know. I would typically rest until I can give maximum effort, so I will keep that the same. I forgot to ask one more question. Should I do a warmup set before every exercise, or only do a warmup set to start the day? I am fairly sure you meant to do a warmup set before each new exercise, but I want to know for certain before I begin this routine tomorrow.

  36. #36
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    Also when I do the ab exercises, there is not any weight to decrease. Do you recommend only doing abdominal exercises that use weight/resistance? I have before, but my abs feel more worked when I do more reps with no weight. Also I have read that when you use weight and resistance in your abdominal exercises, your abdominal muscles become bulkier. I would prefer a leaner look over the "strong man" look.

  37. #37
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22
    Oldandbusted, so you would recommend doing legs, shoulders, chest, back, arms/abs? I like Tron's idea of having shoulders, chest, and arms separated by a day in-between.
    My only recommendation has been find what works best for you....

    I do legs, chest, shoulders, back, arms when on a five day split. I train train traps with my shoulders and deadlift on back day.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This thread seems to be the most active of mine, so I would like to just ask a question about creatine. Do you guys think it is necessary for me to include it in my diet in order to achieve the results I am looking for (15 pounds of lean muscle)? I am asking this because I am not too crazy about the bloating effect it apparently has. Thanks.
    Last edited by basketballfan22; 01-20-2013 at 09:53 PM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I would like to first say that this new routine is AMAZING! I feel great. I must admit that I was worried about embarking on this new routine despite all the great advice because I was worried that I would not feel the burn as much. Needless to say, I was wrong. However there are a few questions I have now that I have started this new routine. I apologize in advance if my questions are overly precise, but I am a mathematician and have always been super logical.

    Today I did shoulders, and I never got to the point where I can't even do a single rep. Eventually the weight gets so small, that I am able to keep hammering out 12 reps. Is there a minimum weight I should not go past? After every set I perform, I decrease the weight by approximately 10%; but at some point it gets too easy. Also in the case of my dumbbell shoulder press, the dumbbells increase by increments of 5 pounds. Eventually 10% of the current weight works out to be around 2 pounds or even less. Do I round up and keep the weight the same, or just go down a full 5 pounds? One of the major problems of my last routine was that I was overtraining (that is what most members here agreed on); yet because I never reached that "1 rep point," I was still in the gym for almost 100 minutes. I would appreciate any more advice.


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I forgot one more question. Do you guys recommend doing cardio after the workout? Recall, that I am trying to leanly bulk up to 200 pounds. Now I do have a very fast metabolism, so I didn't incorporate any cardio today. Perhaps if I can get my routine down to 45-60 minutes like Tron3219 said, then I may add 15-20 minutes of cardio at the end. Thanks again.

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