what are your thoughts on the treadmill vs the eliptical for cardio?
I started years ago on the eliptical and switched to the treadmill...
Do you think one gives greater results?
what are your thoughts on the treadmill vs the eliptical for cardio?
I started years ago on the eliptical and switched to the treadmill...
Do you think one gives greater results?
Apples to oranges...
elliptical will provide a more efficiant calorie burn due to the resistance as well as it being easier on the joints
The treadmill will offer you a better overall cardiovasculor workout!
Blah blah blah.....you and your elliptical. LolOriginally Posted by Lunk1
Treadmill, set it at 15 degree incline, grab two 25lb dumbells and run your ass off for 30 mins before you eat at the start of the day. Burn baby burn!
I ride the bike every day and switch from elip to treadmill on some cardio days. All 3 hit different muscle groups, imo. Do one for 6 weeks and switch it up. I say that but I will NOT stop riding my bike.
im looking for weight loss... i use to be really big on the eliptical but then i just figured the treadmill would work better and get faster results....
Elliptical or load my kids up in the pull behind trailer and ride the bike. Pretty good towing about 100 extra lbs around.
When I come to visit we are dropping that bf!!!!!!Originally Posted by Lunk1
huh....visit what?
Doesnt matter. Pick one and stick with it throughout the entire session for more stable HR and fat burning.
I prefer elliptical myself, treadmills are rarely long enough for me to take full strides running. I also seem to just get a better workout on elliptical a.
i really thought i would get alot more running answers... i know a couple guys that swear by neither... told me to run out side....but thats really hard for me...Do you guys use the pre set work out or go on ur own on the eliptical... i figure faster is better than resistance? opinions?
Tredmill i do
7min at 4.0
3 at 2.9
7 at 4.5
3 at 2.9
7 at 5.0
3 at 2.9
then depending on how im feeling i may do my 7 minute incrimits at 5.0 till hit an hour or i may do the same thing for the second half hour
Any ideas?
anything over 5.5 get really hard
If I'm after fat burning, I just figure out the best fat burning HR and stay there. I do HIIT sometimes too.
its definetley easier on the eliptical... i did an hour today.. i can maintain around 5.0 the whole time and i burned 606 calories but i dont sweat like i do on the treadmill..
I feel like the treadmill would be more benificial for weight loss but the screen on the eliptical says diffrent.. more calories burned...more distance and a faster pace.....
Feed back...please
if its a pure weightloss goal then i would just target the eliptical. hardly any stress on your joints and less chance of picking up an injury and putting yourself out of action at any point. if youre wanting to build your fitness up and be more active in your daily life, i.e playing sports id go for the treadmil as its a more useable motion/fitness to everyday life.
or, you could just cycle between both of them to keep things fresh and stop yourself loathing one of them through over use. i personally use both.
is there any reason why u dont go faster on the treadmill....ie stress on knees....conditioning....
I would go with at least 6.0 if I were u....I do 6.8 and above
if ur able to do 5.5 and it gets hard then I would step on the sides and get ur wind back then hop back on....repeat as necessary
as for ellipticals increasing the resistance is what makes these a great cardio/fat burning machine....keep in mind u can still go at a moderate fast pace with resistance as well
i suppose i could step it up on the treadmill.. for shorter times.. but its hard ..yes ... my shins, ankles and but not so much knees i guess start to hurt... ill get pains in my side if i go too long....
elliptical... I tend to get carried away on the tredmill and start running. Don't want your cardio to be to intense
I do 6.8 with a 1 incline for a 1.5 mile run. Treadmill is harder on your knees but it will give you a better over all heat rate and fat burn IMO. The eliptical will be awesome for your knees but again (IMO) you wont get the same over all workout.
I go for the elliptical its easier to watch the TV's....iv fallen off treadmills before so now I just avoid them
i like to change it up once in a while i personally like the stair climber, great burn on my calves aswell
im looking for straight fat loss... alot of mixed reviews as i thought....
IMO, everyone's body is different and responds to different things. A lot of factors play into fat loss . Find what works for you!
It seems to me you are putting much too much emphasis on which one, when BOTH will work or just the TREADMILL will work or just the ELIPTICAL will work for 'straight fat loss'.
They've all been successful for people losing weight and combinations have been successful. You posted that it hurts when you do the treadmill, then don't do that. So many options out there and they all will work for you if you have your diet in order. Good Luck!
Ummm then you might want to go with the one that is more difficult. It's not called a WORKout because it's easy. lol If it doesn't challenge you it wont change you.
I absolutely HATE running outside but the benefits far outweigh my whining. Another cardio exercise I HATE is burpies but damn if they don't work.
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