Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
^^^ Genetics, it is.
Here is a suggestion: Start your chest workout with isometric exercises. This will allow you to pre-exhaust your muscles and they will respond just about the same to lower weights once you introduce the press movements towards the end of your chest workout.
First, make sure you have properly warmed it up and blood is pumped to your chest.
1. Incline dumbell or cable flies at 35 degrees. 4x12-15 with max. 1 min. rest between sets.
2. Standing cable flies or dips. 4x12-15 with max. 1 min. rest between sets.
3. Incline dumbell or barbell chest press. You can go as heavy as you'd like with these as long as you maintain a good form and concentrate on negatives. Don't lock your elbows at the top, FRM of pressing movements should be about 3/4 of the entire range, tops. Determine your set and rep number accordingly.
4. Barbell or hammer strength chest press. Same as above. Finish with a drop set.