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Thread: mike- workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question mike- workout

    How long does your chest, tri, back take??
    Seems like alot..
    I am triyng to put something together for my lift partner and I
    My traps also blow up way too much, but my bies lag.. just the opposite for my partner, so i like your ideas on workout.. i am thinking that if i could hit my bies twice a week and he could hit his traps on the same days, but still do everything else together>>> you get my meaning???

    Please check, and voice your oppnion

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    How long your back chest and other body parts take to grow depends on you,re goals how big do you want them?

    You and your training partner can have the same workouts using the "core" excercises like squat bench deadlift and use the other exc to tweak lagging bodyparts and to stimulate growth.

    just remember what works for me or your training partner may not work for you look at different routines draw one up and test it /try it and see if it works and change anything that you feel is not giving you the progress you want.Just give the routine time to see if it does work.

    I could draw you up lists of all sorts but that would be a waste of time choose your favourites and get training those smaller parts!!


  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    Have your friend throw traps in with shoulders since they are secondary to so many shoulder exercises like upright rows (work great for traps as well)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks for the input..
    During my first cycle last Dec.
    My shoulder got so big and strong, copared to the size and strength of my bies>> my deltoid would pull my are up at night when i would try to sleep, this inturn would pinch the tendon between the two muscles> it hurt like hell!!! I waent to the doctor and that is what he told me.. he said that it ewas common in body builders.. ever heard of this? he gave me a ijection into the shoulder that hurt the most, cortizone and steriod od some sort.. this is why i am so concerned about my bies, can't get them to catch up with my shoulders..

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Didnt I write up a workout somewhere on the last board?

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