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Yes, my idea is to augment the fact that I took a break for several months and didn't lift at all. I think muscle memory, along with my dieting down over the last 3 months, and not having really lifted will cause some serious shock to my system along with my new cycle. That's where I spoke about "Blast" my body into new growth.
Recalling from my last cycle results and when I've been fully into lifting before, My biceps just didn't seem to change much, despite noticeable new meat on my triceps, shoulders, back, etc. My chest was slow too, but I do seem able to really kill it in my workouts.
Not on TRT, but I am 43. Had a blood test before my last cycle and everything showed right in the middle of "normal." I kinda think a lot of guys like me who start to feel "old" (tired, less interested, etc.) are really feeling their test, etc. start to decline with age. I do look forward to the overall sense of well-being while on cycle!