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Thread: 3 day split going light ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    3 day split going light ?

    is this a 3 days split... shoulders /arms next day chest, follwed by back day. then some walking.. and starting back again on shoulders and arms..

    basically i worked shoulders/arms on tues and now it is sat.. it is cool to work again or is that "over training" i have decieded to use slightly light weights than i usually do for this experiment.. hoping to burn body fat and have some nice lean muscles.. would like to bulk up the arms.. but i think first losing some weight would be good.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Northern Cali
    So do you mean you workout 3 days in a row and take 1 day rest then want to start again within the same week? Like ....
    Sun. Workout
    Mon. Workout
    Tues. Workout
    wed. Rest
    thurs. Workout
    Fri. Workout
    sat. Workout
    repeat? ..

    If so id go heavy first go around then light next wave, but on a 3 day split why not hit it hard mon. Wed. And fri? So you get more rest? And what does your routine include? That might help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    A lot of people that have routines like this have power days and hypertrophy(hypertrophy is basically higher reps) days... Google Layne Norton PHAT training, great routine. Basically your Monday and Tuesday are power days while Thursday, Friday and Saturday are hypertrophy days... Check that, I didn't realize you were a female lol.. Not sure about this program for women...

  4. #4
    In my opinion, thats over training, cuz between saturday and sunday you dont rest. your working out 6 times a week with only one day at rest. depending on your genetic makeup, and how fast you can recover and regather stregth to lift more, id say its a bit over training. i used to do 6 times a week then i got weaker cuz i couldnt regather my stamina in time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    an example of what i am doing..
    monday chest, tues back, weds shoulders and arms.. thurs day off with walking or light bike ride- then repeat

    fri chest, sat back, sun shoulders& arms. day off.
    hope this makes sense.. ? thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    my 3 day split has been like this
    day one chest abs
    day two back
    day three shoulders arms.abs
    i think legs are getting work out with the walking i do

    is this over training? over for suggestions/ thought about doing
    back/bis' day one
    cardio day two
    chest shoulders tris day three
    day off
    then repeat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i dont think thats overtraining. if you're using light weights, it is quite hard to overtrain. i believe the biggest danger regarding overtraining is that muscle growth may not be optimal. but if your main aim is to lose fat and not really about getting huge, then you probably need not worry about overtraining.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    i am trying to loss fat and gain muscle..or keep the muscle i have.. i can't say the weights are "light" i push myself and i push the weights up.. as far as over training i am concerned about the joints,legiments and tendons too.. thx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
    i am trying to loss fat and gain muscle..or keep the muscle i have.. i can't say the weights are "light" i push myself and i push the weights up.. as far as over training i am concerned about the joints,legiments and tendons too.. thx
    that sort of overtraining will be easy to diagnose. you will feel the pain of injury that takes longer than a few days to recover. if that happens, like if you're still in pain when its time to train that bodypart again, then you're probably overdoing it and need to cut back a little. if you have fully recovered from the last training session and is totally painfree, then you're good to go.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    thank you ! i appreciate this! what i have noticed to be sore seems to be around the joint areas.. so maybe i am pushing at bit hard.. and i dont want to have an injury for sure!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Since your trying to lose weight you can do cardio daily. What about your legs? Walking doesn't count as training legs. If your trying to gain muscle you have to work your legs. Leg work outs hit more muscles than any other group you have mentioned. The body's natural production of testoterone and release of growth hormone can be increased through hard work on the big, compound movements, especially those where the body actually moves up and down, such as the squat and deadlift. The more muscle mass being used, the more growth hormone released, the more you grow and get stronger.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thats messed up I talk about Groth hormone and they make a link to it. LMFAO

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    thanks Tiger.. sometimes my knees give me some trouble.. so squats aren't a good idea but i can do light leg presses and a few other things.. wondering how i would add those to the 3 day split? have an leg/arm day? at this point my right shoulder is a bit flared up so maybe excluding "shoulder" workout on it's own might be what is needed for a bit.. typically because of my health issues my legs need a long time to recover.. but i like the idea of this challenge.. thank you!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Over year ago I had 400+ pt. that was being assisted by 2 CNAs fall on my right leg. My ACL, MCL, and LCL were all torn. My cartilage was sheared with a 55% loss. I had surgery and 4 months of physical therapy. I have constant pain even with pain killers. Even after therapy my range of motion was at around 55 degrees. My knee would give out on me just walking through Wal-Mart. Workers comp doctor said I was as good as I was ever going to get. They said that I was permanently disabled and should be considered the same as someone who lost their leg from knee down.
    I was already depressed about getting hurt. After their determination that I was permanently disabled I lost it. I got mad and said f*** this and f*** them. I’m not giving up. I researched how to help myself and began strengthen the ligaments of my knee. This is the program I used. Leg curl, leg extension, and Squats are meant to build strength in the joints and ligaments but are only effective when performed regularly. Each exercise should be performed three times each week, with at least 24-hours rest in between. Remember we are not bulking up, we are strengthening the ACL. During the exercises, the muscles and ligaments are broken down. It is during the rest periods that they are rebuilt and strengthened, so incorporating rest periods into your routine is crucial.

    Begin each exercise with 2 sets of 5 repetitions each. Once you are comfortable performing those sets, begin to add repetitions until you work up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. To make the exercises harder and more effective, add resistance. When performing the exercises, hold them for a few seconds at the top of the stretch, such as when your leg is fully extended during a leg extension, and flex the muscle before lowering slowly.
    Thanks to this program my knee is stable it doesn’t give out any more. I have range of motion around 110 degrees. This has allowed me to do squats and dead lifts as long as I use wraps. My ability to run is still impaired. However, I am able to do most other cardio. I still have constant pain even with pain meds. I won’t allow myself to be stopped.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Hey tiger thanks for sharing your story and your experince! wow.. i am love your determination! i did try some of the leg exercises you mentioned today lightly and added a few leg presses.. .. i need to find some exersices to better stablize my right humourous as it is moving forward causing some pinching so i guess i need to work the rear delts more on arm day?

    i know how you feel about the medical community and how we have to work on our own to get our own answers.. i have been living with CFIDS/lyme" and some low immunity for quite sometime.. and i have really had to work at finding what works for me and what doesn't. and giving up working out is not an option- although my body takes longer to recover than "healthy bodies" i do what i can..and trying to learn pacing so i can continue..
    i appreciate you sharing those exercises with me.. thank you!

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