Hi all,
Did this full body scan the other day which tells me BF%, Muscle Mass etc. I've attached it.
It's basically telling me I'm at 19.6% BF (circled it on the screen shot), however I feel like I'm much leaner than this.
Please also note the red out line is muscle and yellow is fat.
The thing is, this stupid scan doesn't appear to take height into consideration. It's just a percentage based on fat to total weight ratio.
My question is - To get an accurate BF% reading you would have to factor in someones height right? What if I was like 8 foot with the same amount of fat, I'd look heaps skinny yet this thing would still tell me I'm at 19%...?
Any comments, when can I just start bulking again, I'm sick of this diet and leaning and getting smaller and losing strength