Here's my cutting routine as well as my stats and diet, please give me any critique you can, also posted in Nutrition forum but kinda overlapping so reposting here
Here's my Cutting diet + workout
Current stats:
20 years old
not on cycle, haven't tested my blood since my only (Anavar cycle 5 months ago at 50/50/50/50/50/50/50/60, with 3-4 drops arimidex a day for a month or so after, it was the only PCT I had don't judge.)
15-16% BF
Cardio moderate 30 mins x 3/week
Gym 4-5 days/ week, 1 off day, one day of just cardio + a little abs, or maybe just cardio not too sure on that one yet.
Workouts usually isn't consistent I try and mix it up but this is a workout i wrote up and need critique on, I do pretty good exercises each time and hit muscles to point of lactic acid buildup (charles poliquin + ben pakulski technique):
Day 1: Biceps + Abs/Calves (whichever isn't sore, maybe even both) + 30 mins on incline walk
Day 2: Shoulders + Triceps
Day 3: Cardio (Run outside) roughly 30 mins jog + hill sprint up, walk down. 45 mins total
Day 4: Quads + Calves/Glutes + 15 mins on bike at end (Cool down + gives legs a nice little tickle to cool off on)
Day 5: Back day + Abs + 30 mins bike/eliptical cardio
Day 6:OFF
Day 7: Chest + Abs
-Cardio is done at moderate intensity (120BPM-140BPM) optimal for fat loss, and not wasting of muscle.
-ABS I'm really not sure what to do with these, i'm not sure am I throwing them in the right day? Is 3 times a week too much? Not too sure, anyways some feed back on the Workout would be nice.
Total Calories: 2724 Protein:309g Fat:100g Carbs:150g 40/40/20
7-8AM -2 eggs + 2/3 cup egg white + 1/2 TBPS Butter + 1/3 cup walnuts = 39g Protein, 40g Fat
10AM (PREWORKOUT MEAL) -150g Ground beef or regular roast (cut into small pieces) + Greens + 1 Apple + 1 Kiwi/1cup strawberries + 1 TBSP Almond Butter 36g Protein, 20g Fat, 40g Carbs
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~instant after done cardio (when I do cardio after workout) OR 15-20 mins before end of lift on pure lifting days: 2 tbsp Gatorade = 24g Carbs followed by 60g whey isolate (3-5 mins after gatorade)
2-3 pm ***** POST WORKOUT MEAL*** -1 Cup Quinoa, 150g lean protein (Tuna or Chicken breast) + Vegies 44-50g protein, 39 g Carbs
4PM -200g Sweeat potato + Veggies, 150g lean chicken/Tuna 41g Carbs, ~40g Protein
6:30 Can of Salmon + 1 TBSP Olive oil + Salad 40g Protein, 26-27g Fat
8:30-9 150g beef or cooked salmon fillet + 1 TBSP Olive Oil 40g Protein, 24-27g Fat
11pm-12am - 25g Protein Shake ------>>> SLEEEP within next 30 mins
Supplements I am taking:
Multi vitamin 2/day
Calcium/magnesium/d3 2-3/day
Vit C 1000 UI 1-2/day
Fishoil 1-2/day
Glucosamine 1-2/day 3 on heavy days
Zinc 50mg 1/day
D3 3000 UI/day
+ GNC ginseng blend 2ml drops/day
Protein Dymatize iso + Vegegreens
Will do this for a little while and throw in one day of AM cardio