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Thread: Need critique on workout (diet + sups included) !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Need critique on workout (diet + sups included) !!!

    Here's my cutting routine as well as my stats and diet, please give me any critique you can, also posted in Nutrition forum but kinda overlapping so reposting here

    Here's my Cutting diet + workout

    Current stats:
    20 years old
    not on cycle, haven't tested my blood since my only (Anavar cycle 5 months ago at 50/50/50/50/50/50/50/60, with 3-4 drops arimidex a day for a month or so after, it was the only PCT I had don't judge.)
    15-16% BF
    Cardio moderate 30 mins x 3/week
    Gym 4-5 days/ week, 1 off day, one day of just cardio + a little abs, or maybe just cardio not too sure on that one yet.

    Workouts usually isn't consistent I try and mix it up but this is a workout i wrote up and need critique on, I do pretty good exercises each time and hit muscles to point of lactic acid buildup (charles poliquin + ben pakulski technique):
    Day 1: Biceps + Abs/Calves (whichever isn't sore, maybe even both) + 30 mins on incline walk
    Day 2: Shoulders + Triceps
    Day 3: Cardio (Run outside) roughly 30 mins jog + hill sprint up, walk down. 45 mins total
    Day 4: Quads + Calves/Glutes + 15 mins on bike at end (Cool down + gives legs a nice little tickle to cool off on)
    Day 5: Back day + Abs + 30 mins bike/eliptical cardio
    Day 6:OFF
    Day 7: Chest + Abs

    -Cardio is done at moderate intensity (120BPM-140BPM) optimal for fat loss, and not wasting of muscle.
    -ABS I'm really not sure what to do with these, i'm not sure am I throwing them in the right day? Is 3 times a week too much? Not too sure, anyways some feed back on the Workout would be nice.

    Total Calories: 2724 Protein:309g Fat:100g Carbs:150g 40/40/20

    7-8AM -2 eggs + 2/3 cup egg white + 1/2 TBPS Butter + 1/3 cup walnuts = 39g Protein, 40g Fat

    10AM (PREWORKOUT MEAL) -150g Ground beef or regular roast (cut into small pieces) + Greens + 1 Apple + 1 Kiwi/1cup strawberries + 1 TBSP Almond Butter 36g Protein, 20g Fat, 40g Carbs

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~instant after done cardio (when I do cardio after workout) OR 15-20 mins before end of lift on pure lifting days: 2 tbsp Gatorade = 24g Carbs followed by 60g whey isolate (3-5 mins after gatorade)

    2-3 pm ***** POST WORKOUT MEAL*** -1 Cup Quinoa, 150g lean protein (Tuna or Chicken breast) + Vegies 44-50g protein, 39 g Carbs

    4PM -200g Sweeat potato + Veggies, 150g lean chicken/Tuna 41g Carbs, ~40g Protein

    6:30 Can of Salmon + 1 TBSP Olive oil + Salad 40g Protein, 26-27g Fat

    8:30-9 150g beef or cooked salmon fillet + 1 TBSP Olive Oil 40g Protein, 24-27g Fat

    11pm-12am - 25g Protein Shake ------>>> SLEEEP within next 30 mins

    Supplements I am taking:
    Multi vitamin 2/day
    Calcium/magnesium/d3 2-3/day
    Vit C 1000 UI 1-2/day
    Fishoil 1-2/day
    Glucosamine 1-2/day 3 on heavy days
    Zinc 50mg 1/day
    D3 3000 UI/day
    + GNC ginseng blend 2ml drops/day

    Protein Dymatize iso + Vegegreens

    Will do this for a little while and throw in one day of AM cardio

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Where did you come up with these macros? Your protein intake seems far too high for your size, you're likely to start burning it for fuel. Too much fat, not enough carbs.

    I'd suggest something closer to 200g protein, 50g fats, the rest in carbs which I would time optimally for breakfast (fruits), pre-workout, and post workout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    "came up" with these numbers using trusted Kinesiology studied facts. I used also Ben Pakulski's calorie breakdown which involves BF% which I know mine which will make this even further accurate. I'm consuming the protein to keep my muscles from deteriorating while I'm cutting. And I'm taking in the fat to put my body into Ketosis (Pakulski, Polaquin). Look into it. The carbs are only really needed for before workout, immediately after workout and post workout meal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    References: Charles Poliquin (one of the most trusted names in the sport when it comes to exercise and diet). Ben Pakulski follows almost eveyrthign he says, and Ben Pakulski is also a very educated person (Kinesiology degree) and agrees with teh high fat breakfast, and that carbs are not necessarily needed, which they aren't.. It's good to have carbs to keep your brain going obviously cause it runs strictly on carbs, but doesn't mean 40-50% of your calories should come from carbs... I'm having my carbs at right times and when I'm studying I'll have small amount of low glycemic carbs not to spike my insulin and to keep my brain working: Apples, oranges, grapefruit, strawberry, mixed berries, etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Your body wont be in ketosis consuming 150g of carbs...
    Seems like you have all the answers anyways, why did you bother posting?

    On a side note, look up dans ab routine, it should be in the workout section.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Saved ya the hassle of looking for it, good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post

    Saved ya the hassle of looking for it, good luck
    yea seen that its prretty intense gonna try it out for sure. Well i'm gonna do this for a month and see how it goes.. And idk I just wanted to post it and see what people's reactions would be. And Ketosis probably depends on the person but i'll let you guys know how it works for sure.

    like a liil log

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I don't agree with keto to begin with, it's not natural for the bod IMO.
    Also, at 15% , it almost seems a waste of time.

    Keep posted how you do, and put up a before pic if you can

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What are you bumping?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Yosh73 View Post
    "came up" with these numbers using trusted Kinesiology studied facts. I used also Ben Pakulski's calorie breakdown which involves BF% which I know mine which will make this even further accurate. I'm consuming the protein to keep my muscles from deteriorating while I'm cutting. And I'm taking in the fat to put my body into Ketosis (Pakulski, Polaquin). Look into it. The carbs are only really needed for before workout, immediately after workout and post workout meal.
    I don't see anything in that which allows for 150g carb AND 100g fats. Too many carbs for keto, too much fat for a more traditional bodybuilding diet. I still believe that you'll pack on fat with this diet. I also don't understand why you're so keen on cutting weight at 6'1" 182? Simply improving your macros and staying in maintenance mode (calorically) would likely provide better results for you, in terms of improving body composition. Just add a bit of fasted cardio to reduce BF. 45mins/day should do the trick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yosh73 View Post
    It's good to have carbs to keep your brain going obviously cause it runs strictly on carbs
    I'd love to see references for this comment.
    Last edited by Patryn; 04-08-2013 at 07:25 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Patryn View Post
    I don't see anything in that which allows for 150g carb AND 100g fats. Too many carbs for keto, too much fat for a more traditional bodybuilding diet. I still believe that you'll pack on fat with this diet. I also don't understand why you're so keen on cutting weight at 6'1" 182? Simply improving your macros and staying in maintenance mode (calorically) would likely provide better results for you, in terms of improving body composition. Just add a bit of fasted cardio to reduce BF. 45mins/day should do the trick.

    I'd love to see references for this comment.
    Well I just want to get lean. Never really lost my baby fat so I need to do that then I can begin doing traditional bulk and stuff to gain weight. And I'm going to try it out you may be right. I'll keep a little log. And just Google the brain thing it's true. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function it's the only fuel source it runs best on (low carb diet get u feeling dizzy and blank a lot cause of this)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Googled it. Seems to be a debunked myth.

    ... while your brain needs glucose, you do not need to EAT glucose to provide your brain with the glucose that it needs. That is because your liver has the remarkable ability to transform the protein that you eat into glucose. This process is called "gluconeogenesis."

    You liver can transform 58% of every gram of protein you eat into glucose, so any deficit created by eating less than 130 grams of carbohydrate can be made up by eating enough extra protein to supply the liver with the raw material to make some carbohydrate on its own.

    But (as they say on the infomercials) that's not all! After a period of prolonged glucose "starvation" the brain's requirement for glucose drops. It becomes far more efficient and is able to run largely on the ketones produced by metabolizing fat. At that point, the brain's requirement drops to a mere 40 grams of glucose. If you ate no carbohydrate at all, you could can easily get that 40 grams of glucose from eating 69 grams of protein, or slightly over ten ounces of a protein-containing food like meat, cheese, or eggs. If, like most of us who limit our carbohydrates to control our blood sugars, you eat 45 to 100 grams a day, you will already be eating enough glucose to keep your brain happy.

    This ability of the liver to make glucose from protein and its ability to adapt to burning ketones has been known for a long time. You can find it discussed in complex scientific language on pages 279 and 282 of the textbook, "Understanding the Brain and Its Development." Though the chapter assumes that a lowering of carbohydrate would be caused by "malnutrition" the same mechanisms occur when you lower carbohydrate and eat enough protein and fat to avoid malnutrition.
    Last edited by Patryn; 04-08-2013 at 11:26 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Patryn View Post
    Googled it. Seems to be a debunked myth.
    True.. I was right tho it does need glucose even if it doesn't come from carbs directly

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