- Sit Down To Grow: The 4-Minute Calf Workout
Found that interesting about the 80% slow twitch fibers in the calf.
So less weight more reps? Is that the jist of the article - Sit Down To Grow: The 4-Minute Calf Workout
Found that interesting about the 80% slow twitch fibers in the calf.
So less weight more reps? Is that the jist of the article
Interesting article.
Bang out 75 reps of your 20 rep max in 4 minutes.
I'll give it a shot
Seems sensible I will try it also. My calves need a lot of work![]()
Mine need work as well!!
Ive tried so many calve routines , why not?
Tried it today, was good... Just going deep and all the way up every rep. Got to 80 and had enough.
Must be some truth behind it, I see some people with 4-6 plates on the seated calf press, bouncing it up and down, with tiny calves...whats the point
was talking to a bloke about this very issue today. it's the same blokes that's been doing it for all this year and last, and i don't see any difference in their calves. and it's noisy as hell when they bounce it like that too.Originally Posted by cj111;6490***
So I thought my seated 20 rep max was 70lbs. I got to 77 reps pretty fast. Probably need to add at least 5 pounds next time.
it's interesting to watch how the reps drop when you slow things down and go full range of motion
If you perform calf raises bouncing up and down like a jackhammer you’re working your Achilles rather than your calf muscles. To actually train the calves, it's important to slow down and go through the full range of motion. Lower the weight under control. It also helps to use a pause at the bottom.Originally Posted by cj111;6490***
yesterday I tried this "new" technique...
....and I can still feel a soreness deep inside the calf
Tryin it tomorrow! I'll report back
I did lower weight, more reps a little over a week ago and my calves were sore for the next 4 days. lol When I was at Disney-world last year obviously we did a lot of walking. I concentrated on exaggerating my steps so I was working the calves more and I swear they grew 1/2" in a week.
upped the weight today to 75 lbs and it still seems light as I hit 25 reps first set.
what i have been noticing is I am getting a full stretch at the bbottom (heels as far down as they will go), and then with a long slow contraction, all the way up, and hold for a bit.
additionally, just enough time between sets for me to write down the reps of the last set, until i hit 80 today.
as this was my last routine, I hobbled out of the gym shortly after...........................
Yes did this as well at the end of my leg day on's now Mon. and my damn calves are still sore. They hurt so good!Originally Posted by cj111;6490***
yesterday was legs as I mentioned above. next time I'll up the weigtht another 5 pounds and push out the reps to 80+
calves are not that bad today. feels like they are beginning to adapt, so hopefully the above will make sure they do not
Yea my calves have never been this soar! great post! tried it last week and Ill continue
Bumped!! I lost my calves at birth gunna hit this for def
My gym doesnt have a seated calf machinethink bd's will work the same?
Well. Don't think.I did it quiiiiiite right. Started on my usual maxed weight for 20. Lowered the weight a bit n kept doing sets of 25-30. Used leg press machine with only toes.on. I let the weight take me to full stretch then squezzed the calves slowly up. N repeated each time
I did this until I prepped up in the region of 300 although this took me sometime as the pain after each set became unbelievably excruciatingly painful..... which I enjoyed very much having to walk each set off with lap round the gym. My calves are puny so I'll feed back on any noticeable increases. I have plenty leg shots to go by too.
I've been doing almost the exact reverse since I started my latest cycle and I'm seeing results.
It seems to me that the typical "bouncing lots of heavy plates" doesn't work at all. My reasoning is because that's what your calves do all day anyway, bounce heavy weight (you) up and down while you walk/run. They're really good at it, too. If we want them to grow, we have to do something they're not used to. I've been using heavy weight, full range movement, about 6-8 reps, nice and slow to really stretch them. Then I drop-set with no rest, which makes them burn like nothing else.
I think I'm starting to see something else. below the calf bulge and above the ankle is kind of a "no mans' land" when it comes to significant muscle tissue. But I seem to be seeing some very slight increases there, which suprises me. I've never really bbeen able to do much there. Today is yet another leg day, and so i plan on killing it again. report back later...
yep. real good calf pump day. between the bulb of the calf and the ankle there was a noticable pump. this is a very good technique!
hip adduction
leg press
leg extension
leg curls
seated calves...
....75 lbs, very slowly, with full range of motion, I banged out a total of 80+ reps in 4 or 5 minutes. I put a lot of emphasis on making sure total stretch on the downward stroke, and then on the upward stroke, I'll hold and flex for a half a second.
I was thinking earlier i should have bumped to 80lbs, but damn! there really was NO need. if you do this correctly, you can get by with low weights, AND low reps/set and get a very intense burn.
....calves are still sore. they were very mildly sore before going. it will be interesting to see the results by the end of may
btw CJ (OP),
thanks for posting this article!!
Ty for that Roman. I should do some seated calf raises. I use a sleigh style leg press. Ay 150kg im doing 20's n then drpoppimg to 100kg furniture 25's Etcetc. After third fourth set the burn was really painful. But I kept pushing on for nother 5 or so.each time. Shit. Working WHILE its burning. worst I've put myself through n but I gotta. I gotta force these babies to pop cuz my genetics sux in that region. Ill leave it two days n go calf raises sat next. Its just looking at it I feel I'd have to put it on blocks to get the stretch I get from the sleigh. Maybe I could post some pics on both? One with the seated calf press on blocks to emphasize the stretch? Might be useful to.someone
the article explained why they recommended the seated calf raise over the standing or the leg press variation. I've been focusing on calves for a year and a half, with minimal results. Big improvements in vascularity, but maybe a half inch circumfrence gain. Now, i've only been utilizing this method for three seperate occassions over a span of about 8 days, but I've seen a big difference in the pump compared to what i've been doing. And im' hoping after the pump, comes some PWO gains that are not "pump" related.
Gotchya. Just utilized the style on the machine sleigh press.
Ill truth the seated press next n see if they end up so tender.
Thanks for the point out :$
read the article a few times until it sinks in.
I'm an old bull, and usually rest longer than most between sets. but here, I only rest long enough to write down in my journal how many reps before I'm banging out the next set. Doing this, life will be real ugly for the next few minutes. but the good newss is, if you save this as your last routine, when through, you get to hobble ouut to the car on your wibbbly legs, smiling, trying to ignore jjust how real shakey you feel., it felt like I should have been wheeled out to my car in a wheel chair.
But the good news, as we all know, that the dividends received quite often are worth the investment.
Should have sent it to me Roman....
sent you what?
...the article?
it's a link at the top of the thread
:/ I can hardly walk today...
No.joke... pain is deep in the meatiest part going up n outwardly. ;-)
+1day. Pain still running from joining under knee to atleast half way sowing my leg!! :-)
Last edited by MajorPectorial; 04-19-2013 at 04:59 PM.
Awesome routine! I had legs today, and my calves were killing me. I was sure to do each rep slow and controlled, and boy was I hurting. My legs were shaking, and unfortunately I had to go shopping right after. I was using the shopping cart as a damn walker, haha. Thanks cj111 for the article.
Well my calves are still really burning. I definitely plan on doing this routine for several weeks.
Thx for this. Need to try it.
cj...thanks for posting this article. I've done it twice now. Good stuff, man.
My calves are killing me even more today than yesterday and the day I did this workout. This is an awesome routine.
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