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Although genetics plays a big part in the development of any body part, I think the bigger problem with the current lack of lats has to do with the exercises applied.
According to Schwarzenegger back exercises should be divided into four categories:
1) Exercises that develop lat width: Wide-grip chins
2) Exercises that work on lat thickness: Bent-over barbell rows, Seated cable rows
3) Exercises that build up the lower lats: Close-grip chins, close-grip pull downs
4) Exercises that develop the lower back and spinal erectors: Deadlifts
Deadlifts are viewed primarily as a back movement; as this is where the main stress is throughout the movement. Indeed, the lower back will become big and strong after a surprisingly short period, with the deadlift. The lats and associated muscles are also worked to a large degree - especially at the top of the movement. Deadlifts strengthen the entire back and its surrounding muscles and is most effective exercise for building the core strength that supports all other major muscle groups. The deadlift is considered the king of exercises it works the entire body better than any other exercise.