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Thread: Abs Abs Abs.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Abs Abs Abs.......

    The question here is not about abdominal workouts and routines but merely the effect of exercising them while cutting, specifically when around 12%-13% .

    I never EVER do abs, not a single crunch, the work my abs get are from the regular exercises and getting up from bed and that kind of thing.

    I am wondering if working abs at the moment would have an impact on fat around abdominal region, meaning will it help get that area a little tighter, harder look while i continue to lean down and also show definition a bit more or it really wont matter unless i get 8%-10%.

    Reason i ask is because i find myself confused and thinking that abs is a muscle just like biceps and delts and lats and any other muscle in the body, the more you work it the more they grow and get definition but if i dont work abs there is not much coming out i guess.

    Weird the way i am explaining it but i just want to know if doing abs compared to not doing abs at 10% bf will there be a difference in looks?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This is a pretty good thread on Abs authored by a former member..take a peek..

    Ultimate Abs Thread

    So.... you want abs....

  3. #3
    Well for sure, abs are just like every muscle in that you have to train them to be bigger if you want them to show. Obviously you have to be low bodyfat as a requirement, but how your abs look is greatly based on genetics and how you train them

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui View Post
    The question here is not about abdominal workouts and routines but merely the effect of exercising them while cutting, specifically when around 12%-13% .

    I never EVER do abs, not a single crunch, the work my abs get are from the regular exercises and getting up from bed and that kind of thing.

    I am wondering if working abs at the moment would have an impact on fat around abdominal region, meaning will it help get that area a little tighter, harder look while i continue to lean down and also show definition a bit more or it really wont matter unless i get 8%-10%.

    Reason i ask is because i find myself confused and thinking that abs is a muscle just like biceps and delts and lats and any other muscle in the body, the more you work it the more they grow and get definition but if i dont work abs there is not much coming out i guess.

    Weird the way i am explaining it but i just want to know if doing abs compared to not doing abs at 10% bf will there be a difference in looks?????
    Read dan abs thread. Great read.
    Basically imo its everything bf% in that specific array , abs strength, genetics, diet.
    Ask 405. He was or still is 8-10% shredded and didn't have much abs for being that low. In 60 on consistent ab work that he did I saw a huge improvement. Props to him!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    X2 on Dan's ab's thread. Been doing that routine about 4 weeks now and can see results, even though I'm still 12-14%.
    "Spot training" is generally regarded as a myth, but I gotta tell you, I'm seeing some nice results lately. It could be because I've added a 6th day in my training for abs, with cardio too...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Yeah i was looking at the thread yesterday on the phone and got me hooked, really good info. I'll look it up carefully now on the computer so i can really suck in that info. At the percentage i am now when i flex i can definitely see some abs but i rather start working them now so i can have more visible abs at 10% rather then waiting to get to 10% to start working out abdominal section. Thanks Mick for the thread and everyone else who chimed in!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui View Post
    Yeah i was looking at the thread yesterday on the phone and got me hooked, really good info. I'll look it up carefully now on the computer so i can really suck in that info. At the percentage i am now when i flex i can definitely see some abs but i rather start working them now so i can have more visible abs at 10% rather then waiting to get to 10% to start working out abdominal section. Thanks Mick for the thread and everyone else who chimed in!!!
    Great idea to start now. Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Like I say, I believe "spot training" is a myth. but damn my abs seem to be showing more, despite that I don't seem to be losing any fat lately.

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