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Thread: best cardio for most fat loss

  1. #1

    best cardio for most fat loss

    what is the best, most fat burning cardio I can do for fat loss? I currently do 45 minutes on the stairmaster at level 10. Is there something more intense that would burn fat better?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Up the intensity. It doesn't matter what machine, whatever burns the most calories in the time you have allotted, be it treadmill, stair master, elliptical, whatever. Just burn, burn, burn.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I would say HEAVY BAG(boxing).

  4. #4
    This is an ever lasting question for me too! I hate cardio so when i do it, i want it to be as productive as possible! Still not sure whether the HIIT is best or moderate?! I now switch it up every time. Hope to get some good answers up here

  5. #5
    I like that, a little more my style, with my martial arts background I could make it really good and intense. Thanks!

  6. #6
    I've never done HIIT, but the heavy bag, if you have fighting experience, which I do, could be intense and fun.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by barrybulkers
    This is an ever lasting question for me too! I hate cardio so when i do it, i want it to be as productive as possible! Still not sure whether the HIIT is best or moderate?! I now switch it up every time. Hope to get some good answers up here
    That depends on a number of things. There are a number of threads on cardio here, if you want something specific to you I'd suggest you start a new thread, particularly if you are looking at cardio for contest prep. What works best for someone not competing and above 10% bf really doesn't work as well for the other.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    That depends on a number of things. There are a number of threads on cardio here, if you want something specific to you I'd suggest you start a new thread, particularly if you are looking at cardio for contest prep. What works best for someone not competing and above 10% bf really doesn't work as well for the other.
    Well my bf% is still pretty good at the moment cause i had a contest last sunday. But i want to keep it low! In my prep i went up to 3hrs a day of cardio! Never tried the HIIT. Went very low on carbs so i guess HIIT wouldnt benefit me much or am i wrong on that? But if i can keep my bf in line with lets say 2-3 times a week 20-30 mins HIIT, i would like that better then the boring hours on the treadmill

  9. #9
    The fat burning effect of cardio comes from keeping your heart rate in a fat burning zone. A person's current body fat level doesn't make the deciding factor in how a particular cardio routine will increase that heart rate.

  10. #10
    Also i see people who love the results from fasted morning cardio and others hating it.. I believe there are many different approaches, maybe thats why i havent found a solid answer on whats best...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT
    The fat burning effect of cardio comes from keeping your heart rate in a fat burning zone. A person's current body fat level doesn't make the deciding factor in how a particular cardio routine will increase that heart rate.
    That can be true, but stepping up the pass will result in more calories burned so more fatloss??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT
    The fat burning effect of cardio comes from keeping your heart rate in a fat burning zone. A person's current body fat level doesn't make the deciding factor in how a particular cardio routine will increase that heart rate.
    You need to not think this way. You need to think about burning calories and ignoring the almost mythical fat burning zone. If done right (and you would need to be fasted otherwise its almost pure nonsense) you can burn a higher % of your calories from fat but you would burn a lot less calories overall because there is barely any intensity. You need to focus on burning calories, as many as you can.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by barrybulkers
    Also i see people who love the results from fasted morning cardio and others hating it.. I believe there are many different approaches, maybe thats why i havent found a solid answer on whats best...
    Please start a new thread or else this one will get really confusing for the OP. thanks buddy

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    Please start a new thread or else this one will get really confusing for the OP. thanks buddy
    Allright np mate

  15. #15
    yes, and persons bf % doesn't make a difference in how much calories are burned, the amount of intensity and the person's performance doing it determines that. a persons bf, does not determine how intensely they can perform.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT
    yes, and persons bf % doesn't make a difference in how much calories are burned, the amount of intensity and the person's performance doing it determines that. a persons bf, does not determine how intensely they can perform.
    Nobody is arguing with this. But, the heavier you are the more calories you burn, whether that weight is from fat or muscle. As you lose weight you will burn less calories for the same perceived effort. However, the more muscle you have then the more calories you will burn when at rest.

    In short, just burn as many calories as you can in the time allotted.

  17. #17
    Right.Which is what I was doing and now plan to increase intensity and change it up.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    to me nothing has been more intense than jump rope for a long period of time.

  19. #19
    too monotonous. I like the heavy bag idea.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating
    HIIT hands down........

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Best cardio is cardio that you enjoy. If it isn’t enjoyable you will dread doing it and will have hard time sticking to it. I can’t stand doing any cardio while facing a wall so I don’t do it. I love running so I do it every day. When my son was younger I would stick him in the jogging stroller and go for two mile run. Now I take my son and dog on hikes. When my son gets tired I stick him in cart and continue my hike.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MUSCLENUTANT View Post
    too monotonous. I like the heavy bag idea.
    HIIT on a bag is really good.....also speed jump roping....youll get a lot if different answers because every is matter what u do....just get it done right....half as*ed effort gets u half as*sed results

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

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