I hear a lot of people saying "yes" and maybe same nr saying "no" ... what is your opinion...? And i am reffering when you are clean, no AS that would help you recover in any way...
7 months ago i had to take one week off, actually i am taking one week off starting from today as well...i didn`t reach a plateau, my gains are still going up, my strenght is still there but i think it`s a little psychological, during a heavy set i don`t have that "anger", that focus, that little edge that makes an awesome lift from a medium one...
I eat right, i sleep alot, i don`t really have stress, i train 6 times a week (good cardio included) and everything is fine...i mean, it was fine since about 2-3 weeks ago, when the nr of GOOD trainings become more rarely...
Personally not sure if "overtraining" is the correct word for it if it is a mental state. I mean, let`s take gym like beeing "a job", a job that you love (you are an astronaut like you always wanted since you were a kid), and you love going to work, you go to work 5-6 times a week, you take your work home (when you macro and be carefull with your diet and supplements), everything is great ... but sometimes, someday... you will still say "fuk, i need a vacation..." right?