so come on. Lets.see what gym routine your.doimg today. And see if theres any way we can help or tweak others routines.
Mines chest n triceps
*** moved along now so i train e.g
4:30-6 Chest pectorial minor and major
5-6 Set 3/4 max bench current80kg foing up to 130 kg.
Incline bench 5-6 sets half max 65kg going up to 90-100kg
Flat flies 5-6 sets 20kgs arms in 60-70degree angle full.stretch and flex without strightening arms to utilize chest only.
Incline.flies as above routine
Cable."claps" (high)5-6 sets 20kg increasing to max weight of.atleast.10 reps.
cable."claps" (low) as above.
Finishimg with 50kg dumbell pullover full.stretc to.failure 5-6 sets
Tricep press 15's 50kg 5-6sets 15 dropping with fatigue.
stood.up tricep dumbell press nehimd head. Strict. No elbow.waggin!!! 5-6 sets increasing from 12's-14's-16's etcetc reps 12
cable bar press down. Elbows.locked. 5-6 sets increasing from 30kg 12reps
cable.pull.down in.squeeze with ropes. Imcrese from 15's keeping good.rep of 12 to max weight 5-6 sets
Finished with tricep bentover extension. Using 12-kg dumbell maybe less holding full extension.
12 Mins.step machine before and after.
Half hour rest with shake and then either class or hiit style cardio.
May be trying so u want abs today!!!! Ill let i know how much pain im in!!!