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Thread: whats todays workout routine!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth

    whats todays workout routine!!!!

    so come on. Lets.see what gym routine your.doimg today. And see if theres any way we can help or tweak others routines.

    Mines chest n triceps

    *** moved along now so i train e.g

    4:30-6 Chest pectorial minor and major
    5-6 Set 3/4 max bench current80kg foing up to 130 kg.
    Incline bench 5-6 sets half max 65kg going up to 90-100kg
    Flat flies 5-6 sets 20kgs arms in 60-70degree angle full.stretch and flex without strightening arms to utilize chest only.
    Incline.flies as above routine
    Cable."claps" (high)5-6 sets 20kg increasing to max weight of.atleast.10 reps.
    cable."claps" (low) as above.

    Finishimg with 50kg dumbell pullover full.stretc to.failure 5-6 sets

    Tricep press 15's 50kg 5-6sets 15 dropping with fatigue.
    stood.up tricep dumbell press nehimd head. Strict. No elbow.waggin!!! 5-6 sets increasing from 12's-14's-16's etcetc reps 12
    cable bar press down. Elbows.locked. 5-6 sets increasing from 30kg 12reps
    cable.pull.down in.squeeze with ropes. Imcrese from 15's keeping good.rep of 12 to max weight 5-6 sets
    Finished with tricep bentover extension. Using 12-kg dumbell maybe less holding full extension.

    12 Mins.step machine before and after.

    Half hour rest with shake and then either class or hiit style cardio.

    May be trying so u want abs today!!!! Ill let i know how much pain im in!!!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cialis, Texas
    I'm only working my fingers today. See... uadoudohd iauadhpuwhcuncdd poundd9und opuhddd9uedhp9hee 2p937ynlalsha p9a8had9as

    Dang, that was a workout!

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    Lmao. Be careful. U dont wanna overdo it!!! ;-)
    ill edit in what cardio/class i do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I'm only working my fingers today. See... uadoudohd iauadhpuwhcuncdd poundd9und opuhddd9uedhp9hee 2p937ynlalsha p9a8had9as

    Dang, that was a workout!
    Fvck Me...THAT'S IMPRESSIVE!!! Based on the looks of things I'm thinking you're running a Prop/Tren/Mast cycle? No I forgot - you don't like tren. Ummmm Prop/NPP/Var???? What's your WPM now? It looks like you've added a good 20+ words to your WMP since your last cycle. You must have run a stellar PCT to keep those gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    This morning hit back and chest
    Pull ups first set body weight to 10, next set 25lbs plate till 8 third set 45lbs plate to failure, which was 5 today
    Close grip pull downs 12 reps 180, 10 reps 200, 8 reps or failure 220, got 8 so next time go up 10lbs
    One arm Rows 12 reps 80, 10 reps 100, 8 reps 120, go up to 125 next time

    Dumbbell press 12 reps 80, 10 reps 100, 8 reps 120, go up to 125 next time
    Incline dumbbell press 12 reps 70, 10 reps 90, 8 reps 110, go up to 115 next time
    Hammer strength decline drop sets start with 4 plates on each side for six, down to 3 plates 6 down to 2 plates for 6. 3 sets of these

    Had to skip cardio and forearms due to work

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    I di the 'so you want abs' routine taday. My mate struggled with performing the exercises properly. The high n low wood chop used cables with only 20kg. Felt it at the time. Ill see how it is tomorrow i also performed some stuuupidly slow reps with only 10's(kg), on curling bar, like 10 secs up n same down. Then 30 second pull up with 30sec drop, now thatkilled me. Had half hour break. Then hoir including warm up and stretches 'pump' class. The classes really kill me off atm as im doing it after every weight session. I really do feel this is causing the catalyst i need to force extra growth in my legs. Cuz they always sore now. Especially calves.
    N right now.the missus is on spot duty. Lol. Just wanted to let you all know. Shes got a spot squeezing fetish i think. Haha. I think the sauna brings it out a bit. But. Better out than in!!!, have great workout tomorrow ppl. Gnight!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I roll with how my body feels. I pick muscle groups that I have not already worked out that week. I don’t designate body parts a day. Some days just being awake hurts my leg to the point that I have to force myself to get out of bed. I never miss a work out even if I have to roll the weights to my bench and perform everything seated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    yeh tiger i pretty much follow your philosophy. I ALWAYS rotate what i work. But this happens more often than simply one week so each week is different. New exercises. High rep. Low rep(just gone back to)

    no i do two 45mins to hour intense heavy weights. At two times a day.

    The second usually being to work an associated musvlegroup part used in the first routine.

    Having a prooer meal and proper rest feels soooooo much better now its unreal. I feel fresh both times instead of tiring out halfway through.

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