Can anyone point me in the right direction on where i can purchase wraps for heavy squats and leg movements, ones that will help protect the joint, tendons ect. Im in the uk so sites over here or just the name of the wraps.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on where i can purchase wraps for heavy squats and leg movements, ones that will help protect the joint, tendons ect. Im in the uk so sites over here or just the name of the wraps.
Have you read this thread posted by Turkish? It shows research that using wraps is actually detrimental in weight training.
“Knee wraps may help you to use heavier weights for squats and leg presses in the gym, but regular use might not be such a good idea. According to British sports scientists, knee wraps alter how you move during a squat in such a way that you're likely to cause more damage to your knee joints.”
I'll never use them again. Many years ago I was training for a power meet and a buddy (large powerlifter) wrapped my knees which resulted in breaking a vein in my gastroc, filling my lower leg with blood and putting me in the hospital for 3 days. They thought it may clot and break free and cause a much more serious problem. Anyway, long story short. My knees have never been better. If you don't competitively lift in meets forget about them. I'll use a neoprene pull up to keep my joints warm and that's it.
Titan signature gold knee wraps, my all time favorite.
Don't use them anymore but APT makes wraps and lifting straps.
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