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Thread: how to get back in the game after a bad accident? !?!?!

  1. #1

    Angry how to get back in the game after a bad accident? !?!?!

    Short story....I had my throat slit at work by a sheet of glass spend 60 days in a hospital bed and couldn't eat food of any kind resulting in the loss of 95lbs went in at 230lbs left at 140lbs....I have half of my left collar bone removed and wires wrapped around my chest.....I was big into boxing and weight training but all hope seems lost I have attempted several times to go to the gym but most upper body exercises use your shoulder I cannot live at 140lbs its not me its not who I am but I cant find a way to train and get even to a solid 200lbs I know ill never be 100% but I cant do the skinny man bs any tips? Anything would be awesome thanks and ill post some pictures of before my accident and some of after so you will understand how hard this is I put years and years into my body so in 2 short months it can be taken away nah not happening

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I am really sorry to hear about all of this man, sounds like a scene from a horror movie or something. I can't even imagine what would I do with myself if I had to go through this exact scenario, that's though!

    I want to say ''if you were 230 at one point, you can always build your BW up to that number again.'' I am, however, clueless about how someone can engage in hypertrophy training through high volume and boxing again with half of his left collar bone removed and with wires wrapped around his chest. I have never actually seen someone with wires wrapped around his chest, what does it look like? Are they made from flexible yet dense material that would allow you to lift again? What does your doctor say about this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad you're alive and tryin to grt back into working out.

    To be honest I think u should ask a qualified rehabilitation specialist. Because of you're injures any tips given here could potentially be dangerous for u. Injuries like this are complex and working out should be done w advice from a professional that knows you're injuries and give u specific workout plan.

    It won't happen over night but any gains you make should be a tremendous motivator to keep goin. Good luck brutha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Damn. Sorry to hear that you got injured. I would check with your doctor make sure that it’s okay to return to training. Do you have pictures of injury or x-rays? I am interested in seeing what doctors did.

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