Been lifting heavy again for 2 months now. Took a long while off from the gym due to a shoulder injury, but I am back and stronger than ever. Just wanted to make sure I am hitting all muscles properly and with the right amount of set and reps. This is what I have been doing:
*All exercises are done in 3 sets. Reps are 10,8,6 or 4. Weight increase at every set.*
Monday - Chest
Incline DB Press
Normal DB Press
Cable Flyes
Dips (10,10,10)
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Back/Lats
Seated Wide Grip Rows to Stomach
Single Arm Rows
Bent Over Reverse Flyes
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Close Grip Pulldown (Palms Facing Each-Other)
Thursday - Arms
Standing DB Curls
Preacher Curls
Bent Over Standing Concentration Curls
Overhead Tricep Extension (Sitting w/ DB)
Skull Crushers
Tricep Pushdown
Close Grip Bench Press
Friday - Legs
I have legs down pat.
My main concern is upper body. My strong point is my legs and back. How does upper body workout look?