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Thread: Need Opinions on Workout Exercises

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida

    Need Opinions on Workout Exercises

    Been lifting heavy again for 2 months now. Took a long while off from the gym due to a shoulder injury, but I am back and stronger than ever. Just wanted to make sure I am hitting all muscles properly and with the right amount of set and reps. This is what I have been doing:

    *All exercises are done in 3 sets. Reps are 10,8,6 or 4. Weight increase at every set.*

    Monday - Chest

    Incline DB Press
    Normal DB Press
    Cable Flyes
    Dips (10,10,10)

    Tuesday - Off

    Wednesday - Back/Lats

    Seated Wide Grip Rows to Stomach
    Single Arm Rows
    Bent Over Reverse Flyes
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
    Close Grip Pulldown (Palms Facing Each-Other)

    Thursday - Arms

    Standing DB Curls
    Preacher Curls
    Bent Over Standing Concentration Curls
    Overhead Tricep Extension (Sitting w/ DB)
    Skull Crushers
    Tricep Pushdown
    Close Grip Bench Press

    Friday - Legs

    I have legs down pat.

    My main concern is upper body. My strong point is my legs and back. How does upper body workout look?

  2. #2
    All in all, it looks fine. Not sure you need 3 different curl exercises but other than that, just make ur shoulders handle the dips ok. Glad ur back lifting bro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by RipOwens View Post
    All in all, it looks fine. Not sure you need 3 different curl exercises but other than that, just make ur shoulders handle the dips ok. Glad ur back lifting bro!
    I see it as this: DB curls to get the blood pumping, preacher curls for width, and bent over concentration curls to get the peak. I could be completely wrong, but thats what I always thought.

    I also have to do the assisted dips. My shoulder was having tons of trouble at first, but is progressively getting better. I used to do weighted dips. Now im doing assissted dips lol sucks, but id rather work into it slow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Your body should be able to handle dips with no problem. Individuals start having issues with lifts when they go below recommended range. You will be fine as long as you keep from bouncing at bottom of movement and don’t go beyond 90 degrees.

  5. #5
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    Miami, Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    Your body should be able to handle dips with no problem. Individuals start having issues with lifts when they go below recommended range. You will be fine as long as you keep from bouncing at bottom of movement and don’t go beyond 90 degrees.
    This is not entirely true. Initially I couldn't do dips at all. Rotator cuff is torn and it hurt like hell to even try. After a few months of lifting again, it seems I strengthened it and I can now do assisted dips. Dips put a lot of strain on the shoulders which is why I was instructed not to do them when I had rotator cuff surgery on my other shoulder. Now the left one is torn LOL

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by falco21 View Post
    This is not entirely true. Initially I couldn't do dips at all. Rotator cuff is torn and it hurt like hell to even try. After a few months of lifting again, it seems I strengthened it and I can now do assisted dips. Dips put a lot of strain on the shoulders which is why I was instructed not to do them when I had rotator cuff surgery on my other shoulder. Now the left one is torn LOL
    Are you familiar with rotator cuff injury prevention workouts? I have a previous sholder injury an these helped immensely.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Miami, Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Are you familiar with rotator cuff injury prevention workouts? I have a previous sholder injury an these helped immensely.
    Injuries were due to years and years of baseball. While playong college baseball a little while back I tore it. After the months of rehab, im pretty familiar now with all kinds of rotator cuff exercises lol!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    Quote Originally Posted by falco21 View Post
    Injuries were due to years and years of baseball. While playong college baseball a little while back I tore it. After the months of rehab, im pretty familiar now with all kinds of rotator cuff exercises lol!
    K cool they really do help alot right I used to think I looked stupid doing them in the gym befor workouts but Idc it looks even dumber if you drop a Dunbar on your face cuz your shoulder just have out right lol. Lately the only thing that bothers mine alot is decline bench press and only when I'm close to failure and failing, beside that good on everything else.

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