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Thread: Rate My Routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Rate My Routine

    I want to start by saying that I already did my research but everything I read is always something different and it seems like I can never find a straight answer. So hopefully posting here I can get some answers from knowledgable people.

    Starting Stats:
    January 2013
    Height 5'5
    Weight 108

    Height 5'5
    Weight 125
    BF % Not sure exactly I'm assuming around 10-11 seeing how my abs are visible.

    150 with 9% BF

    I want to say that I want to try this new routine so please rate it and/or make adjustments to it. I am simply trying to put on mass.

    Day 1: Chest/Tri
    Flat Dumbell Press 90 4x6 or Bench 185 4x6
    Decline Dumbell Press 80 4x6
    Incline Dumbell Press 70 4x6
    Incline Flys 55 4x6
    Skull Crushers 65 4x6
    Dips 4x failure

    Day 2: Back/Bi
    Wide Grip Pull Up 4x Failure
    Don't know the name of this workout but you take a bench bar and put one end in a corner and slap plates on the other end and do a row with it. 2Plates x 6
    (Favorite!!) Deadlift 205 4x6
    Dumbell Row 60 4x6
    Inner Grip Barbell Curl 60 4x6
    Outer Gril Barbell Curl 60 4x6
    Hammer Curls 30 4x6

    Day 3: Legs/Shoulders

    Day 4: Rest

    Rinse and repeat. I like to workout each muscle 2 times a week with 72 hours rest in between. Now I didn't mention what I do for legs and shoulders because I have no problem building these 2 muscles.

    Dieting is something I need to post in another topic group but I will soon try to master both diet and training. So please judge me on my workout and please if you think this is horrible tell me and correct me. Nothing is better than the advice you get from others. Thank You

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Similar to one iof my favourite routines push/pull/legs, look into that... Will allow more focus on legs on leg day, and you can split shoulders across the push pull hitting anterior and lateral on push and posterior on pull day.

    I am also a fan of 72 hours rest for muscle groups, which is where I experience the most growth.

    Also look into layne nortons phat routine. It may be a bit advanced but if you reduce the volume it may be a good thing as you will benefit from the Mix of power and hypertrophy days..ensure your main focus is on compound movements at your level.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ultimately your gains will depend on your food consumption and your body fat will depend on this as well as cardio!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    If you have only been lifting for 6 months as you have mentioned it may be a better idea to steer clear of those routines for a little while..they are some what more advanced

    One I highly recommend is starting strength, throw that into google and have a read. I have heard nothing but good things about this routine for beginners and novices. Something everyone should start with yet many people jump to the typical bb 5day splits with heaps of yourself a favour and check out starting strength.
    Last edited by auswest; 05-23-2013 at 04:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This is overkill IMO. 16 sets for chest twice a week? No need for flat and decline press

    12 sets for biceps twice a week?

    What is your leg workout?

    I have no issue training each body part twice a week but if argue you aren't working hard enough if you can do that many sets twice a week.

    Your gains so far have been good but that is expected for beginners.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    This is why I love posting here, you actually get useful info. I'm gonna take a look into what you have all mentioned and read up on it.

    As for my leg day I this is the order I do them in
    Leg Press
    Lunges with a barbell soon moving to dumbells for better control
    Don't know the name of this one but it's a machine where you raise your legs up and it hits quads
    Calf raises
    Calfs on the leg press

    For some reason also in the gym I completely get a full pump and can feel the soreness in the muscle as I lift and I can for sure feel exhaustion but the next day I'm never sore maybe a 1 on a scale of 1-10

    Edit: Sorry forgot to add this on. A lot of people say you should stay tops 45 minutes in the gym but I usually am there for an hour and a half because if my arms or chest don't feel like they are going to burst by the time I'm done then I don't want to leave. Also I'm searching up about "the pump" and how it effects building muscle.
    Last edited by Alann314; 05-23-2013 at 04:29 AM.

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