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Thread: Benefits of an arm day?

  1. #1

    Benefits of an arm day?

    My workout split for a while has been:
    day 1 chest tris
    day 2 legs
    day 3 off
    day 4 back bis
    day 5 shoulders traps

    I feel my arms, especially my biceps are lacking, how much benefit would it be to change my split up and having a day for arms? does it make a noticeable difference in your guys experiences?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You got to change it up!!!

    I like

    Chest back
    Bic tric forarm
    Delts calfs

  3. #3
    Muscle confusion not workout confusion!

  4. #4
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I do a 4 day split with day 3 being tri's/bi's/abs. I don't get enough work on the arms without hitting them directly. Some guys get pretty good guns through their chest and back work... I don't. I also don't feel like my arms get worked hard enough when I do a back/bicep workout on one day and then a chest/tricep another day. I find, for me, a complete arm workout day works best.
    Last edited by Brazensol; 07-20-2013 at 02:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I was doing an arm split and got some results. Since one changed it and did an arm specific day I've seen a Heck of a lot more growth out of them

  6. #6
    For me, major push/pull movements always did the job; my arms kind of came along for the ride. But I do like to finish up back day with heavy hammer curls followed a couple burn out sets or 21s.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In my opinion, you should try it and see how it feels. If you don't like it, you can just throw in biceps on another day so that you're working them twice a week.

  8. #8
    How much do you focus on the big 3? Typically a lacking body part can be fixed by doing compound movements. Biceps also get worked pretty dang hard on deadlifts. If you really want to however, throwing in another day of hammer curls won't hurt.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by swolestriker3 View Post
    My workout split for a while has been:
    day 1 chest tris
    day 2 legs
    day 3 off
    day 4 back bis
    day 5 shoulders traps

    I feel my arms, especially my biceps are lacking, how much benefit would it be to change my split up and having a day for arms? does it make a noticeable difference in your guys experiences?
    Hey swolestriker3,

    I used to do my workout routine exactly like you are doing yours now. I switched it to the following (like what you are asking about):

    Day 1: Legs
    Day 2: Chest
    Day 3: Biceps/Triceps
    Day 4: Back/Shoulders
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Abs
    Day 7: Off

    If you are asking if you should do an additional day where you do arms on top of doing biceps and triceps on the other days you are doing them, it is not bad as long as one of those days you are going light on them. So you have a heavy day and a light/high repetition day. But I like doing my biceps and triceps on the same day because I feel that it allows me to really focus on my arms and I do not get exhausted from doing back exercises on the same day. Triceps and biceps work great for doing on the same day and I am able to put a lot of energy into my biceps. Also, because chest naturally hits triceps a decent amount also, my triceps get even more benefit. Let’s face it, even doing a chest day right before arms day, you can still do a lot of weight on triceps because they should have only been a supporting muscle for your chest exercises if you did those right. Also, triceps, unlike biceps, are much easier to workout regardless. I have also noticed that doing my back and shoulders on the same day has worked out nicely.

    I think the biggest thing to keep in mind if you are trying to reach new heights and are not seeing it happen is that you need to shock your muscles. Switch up the exercises you are doing and really keep your body guessing. This will prevent plateaus and keep you getting stronger. If you need more options for bicep workouts, check out my free website (linked below my name). I hope this helps.


  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes of course it's worth changing then you'll see if you get the results you require

  11. #11
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I don't think my arms would grow much without directly working them. You guys who can grow 'em through other workouts, well, I hate you. lol.

  12. #12
    If a body part is lagging then there is no reason not to try to focus on it. I did strong lifts for awhile and felt my biceps were lagging. I just did biceps every other workout and they caught up very quickly.

  13. #13
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolestriker3
    My workout split for a while has been:
    day 1 chest tris
    day 2 legs
    day 3 off
    day 4 back bis
    day 5 shoulders traps

    I feel my arms, especially my biceps are lacking, how much benefit would it be to change my split up and having a day for arms? does it make a noticeable difference in your guys experiences?
    I just started hitting arms on there own when the rest of my body is done for..... I use to be really against wasting time working out arms but when I started noticing them become a lagging body part I started incorporating a day every week... I've been on a push, legs, pull; routein for so long I'm thinking about switching to a a split.

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