So a number of years (9) ago I crashed my motorcycle destroying my left shoulder, Both clavicle and scapula broken. I have a nice titanium plate and seven screws in there. I was a fatass back then and didn't lift. FF a number of years to when I started my get fit journey. I was working out with a trainer and mostly bars and machine work with great results. Then I venture out on my own to lift. So I'm reading all these fitness theories and what others and done and studies and crap. And one that really resonated with me was not always lifting muscles together. Meaning isolate your right peck, quad, hamstring, whatever muscle from your left. If you're doing a lot of barbell and machine work with both muscle working together one will compensate for the other. Well that became my reality last night when I was doing a shoulder workout. Stared military press with a barbell, then shrugs and I noticed my left grip was considerably weaker than the right. Then on to dumb bell press and my left shoulder weakness really showed through. So my question is I'm doing right side left side isolation exercises to even myself out but is there anything else i should be doing to catch my weaker left shoulder up? More reps, more weight, more exercises? Any advice is greatly apperciated. Thanks guys.