Every few months or so I have a scan done to see the amount of fat and muscle I have gained/lost.
Most recent readings include:
Date Weight Fat Fat % ATM ATM %
06-Sep-13 215.16 41.58 19.32% 103.092 47.91%
26-April-13 195.36 29.788 15.25% 96.778 49.54%
19-March-13 201.3 34.584 17.18% 99.22 49.29%
Basically as you can during the process of cutting I lose fat and muscle, and when I bulk I gain muscle and heaps of fat. Then when it comes back to cutting I lose the muscle that I struggle to gain and it simply goes in and endless cycle and start from square one.
What do I do?
This isn't the first time, this always happens and I never progress.