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Thread: Leg workouts for Injured soldier

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Leg workouts for Injured soldier

    Monday: Chest/Tri
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: Back/Bi
    Thursday: Cardio/Abs
    Friday: Shoulder/Forearms
    Saturday & Sunday: Cardio and abs

    This is the split that im doing now and my only problem is legs due to have a third torn acl and 2 bulge disc in my lower back.

    Leg Press
    Seated Calf Raises
    Lying Leg Curls
    Barbell Standing Calf Raises

    I want to get a few more workouts in there. Does anyone know any safe workouts that wont bother my back and knee? Thanks the way I am still doing research online

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I think a lot have viewed but are afraid to give advice because we really don't know to what extent your injuries are. The back is really nothing to mess with. You know your own limits on what feels good and what kills you the next day.

    For back, I'd recommend anything where you aren't taking the load above it. Such as squats or deadlifts. Those both can put a ton of strain on your back and if your form is just a bit would be screwed completely.

    Anything seated would be better. Leg curls and hamstring curls. You can do a wider leg press also which will help incorporate the glutes and hams more. You could finish a workout with weighted step ups to a bench or a box. The higher the step, the more it will hit your glutes.

    You have a pretty good leg workout as far as I can tell. Maybe a few tweaks to change it up once in a while but more than a lot do right now. Good luck, Is the VA planning a surgery in the future or is that up to you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    I just last week hurt my back as well and the chiro says I have veterbrae sublixation of L3 and L4 and the disc are bulging. This must have pinched a nerve because I've never been in so much pain! Taking the week off from the gym and easing back into it next week. This is new to me so I'm not sure how this will effect my workouts...I don't do deadlifts as these are two taxing on my lower back already, but I have a feeling this will effect my heavy squat sessions. Sucks because I love going heavy on squats. Guess we'll see...I'll keep you updated.

    For lunges I would recommend walking dumbbell lunges...these are killer and you get a nice stretch from them. They will also strengthen your core that will help your lower back.
    Last edited by M302_Imola; 01-10-2014 at 05:26 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brett N thanks and ya I seen that there was a ton of reviews I was just hoping someone out there was in my vote to and all ready had it figured out haha. I can do what the physical therapist told me to do to but really those exercise are a joke and do nothing for me. Maybe if I never been to the gym before yes lol. Yes I will be going in for my 4th knee surgery here soon I hope. Tore my ACL again yea this is the third one.

    M302 Imola my back pretty much hurts all the time but not so bad but when I tweak it oh im down for a week and I cant stand up straight. I will try the walking lunges with dumbbells next week and see what happens. Will it matter if I go all the way down? knee to ground?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    I can do what the physical therapist told me to do to but really those exercise are a joke and do nothing for me.
    This is a major mistake that people make during Physical Therapy. The exercises are designed to create irritation at the injury site which promotes healing and to increase your ROM (range of motion). Do not gauge them based on how easy or hard they are. You're totally missing the whole point of PT...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I haven't had surgery yet they are just giving me some weird strengthen workouts. I do them but really I feel like I get more out of the gym.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    M302 Imola my back pretty much hurts all the time but not so bad but when I tweak it oh im down for a week and I cant stand up straight. I will try the walking lunges with dumbbells next week and see what happens. Will it matter if I go all the way down? knee to ground?
    Well you don't want your knee to actually touch the ground but you want to get as close to touching as possible. Going lower will ensure a better stretch thus more glute/quad activation. Basically, go as low as you can (without touching the ground) without causing to much pain.

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