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Thread: pre cycle?

  1. #1

    pre cycle?

    Hey guys I'm new and not too knowledgeable when it comes to gear. I have friends that use gear but they are much more advanced. I am not looking to start yet. I am still getting my diet lined out and am making decent gains. I would like to just keep training until plateau and then get on some gear. (Maybe another 6 mo or a year) I am wanting to bulk up right now and work on strength. My question is this: keeping in mind that I plan to use gear in the near future, is there a style of workout or plan that is tailored better for that or do I just keep on as normal? Thanks

  2. #2
    From what I have read on the forum, especially Pinned topics throughout the forums, you should be focused on intense workouts, always tweaking it to find the best gains, diet, etc. You wanna be in the best shape you can be in, then running a cycle. You wanna add nitrous to a clean, well-oiled engine, not an old chevy that hasn't been in for a tune-up in a while.

    If you find yourself reaching a plateau, then it can "easily" be broken by adjusting your routine. 2 reps, higher weight, for example. 2 reps x 50% max wt; 2 x 60%; 2 x 75%; 2 x 85%; 2 x 90%. I would recommend trying to reach a plateau--which could take up to three years, seriously--and finding your breakout point, growing a little more, and then running a cycle.

    Bloodwork. PCT. $$ for doctor visits if anything goes wrong, i.e. injuries, health issues, etc.

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