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Thread: How hard to train for cutting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    How hard to train for cutting

    It's my first tome cutting after my forever bulk.
    I know for bulking, one must train really hard for further muscle breakdown
    But for cutting assuming i have my calories right. Is it better to train as heavy as bulking and further muscle breakdown or lighter to preserve muscle?

    Ps. Cutting naturally.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I'll speak on what works for me during both.

    When I cut I def don't train as hard as when I'm bulking. That's not to say I'm not training hard. I try to listen to my body. If I feel like it's taking to long to recover from workouts I'll pull it back a bit on intensity.

    When I'm cutting I'm not really looking to put on muscle so I'm not to concerned w killing myself w lifting. Get in, bang my workout and get out. I put the extra energy into my morning cardio and hiit after I lift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Train the Same just change your diet. Add in some more cardio

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